Indian Explosive Ltd. Gomia, BOKARO (Gomia)

India / Jharkhand / Gumia / Gomia
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India only and Asia's Largest explosive plant. Gomia in Bokaro.
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Coordinates:   23°48'50"N   85°48'49"E


  • Late Anil Kumar Mitra Stayed at E16/4 more than 24 years
  • I worked in IEL Gomia between 1971 & 1980, I joined in Work study department. After 2 years I was transferred to Detonator Dept. Maintenance. Where I started learning ABC of Maintenance in Process Plant. Later, I moved to Sulphuric and Phosphoric Plants at Haldia under Hindustan Lever. I worked with HLL for 11 years. Then left the country and joined SABIC Co in Saudi Arabia. I was at Albayroni for 19 years where I was doing planning for international sized Fertiliser and Petrol-Chemical Plants maintenance. But my maintenance history started at Gomia which is my root and I can not forget it. I am now retired ,but still think on my days at Gomia. I got married and blessed with two kids when working at Gomia. Thanks to IEL for giving me a good start in my career.
  • I worked at IEL Gomia from 1974 to 1980 in Instrument Maintenance Dept. Mr V Ramanujan was Head of the Instrument Dept. In 1980 moved to Engineers India Ltd (EIL) and retired from EIL in June 2011. Settled in Delhi. Still comes to my mind Golden days of initial period of my career, and cherish the memories. S K Dhawan
  • Respected Mr. Chakraborty, While surfing net I suddenly visited this site where IEL,Gomia is mentioned and I thrilled about my old association there, I also get your message where you mentioned about your Gomia connection. I can still remember the Saturday/Sunday film shows at the IEL club and also about the swimming pool there. Thanks. T.Bhaduri
  • Quite frankly, hadn't a clue where Gomia is in India, or what the acronym IEL stands for, but received an obituary notification (apparently in a Chennai newspaper) that a Mrs Vasantha Mani (76) w/o late Mr L S Mani of IEL Gomia passed away yesterday Jan 25 2016 in Singapore where I am resident. On surfing the net, came across this link, perhaps one of you may have known the family. Had a family friend who worked in ID(etonators)L at Hyderabad, but was not aware that Indian Explosives IEL is 'the largest explosive plant in Asia' Narayan
This article was last modified 13 years ago