Isker (Qashliq) - the capital of the Siberian Khanate

Russia / Tjumen / Sumkino /
 interesting place, former national capital

Isker - the former capital of the Siberian Khanate - fanned by the legends of the place, in whose territory since ancient times inhabited by many peoples of Siberia.
Isker was the capital of the Siberian Khanate in the period from the end of XV prior to the XVI century.

October 26, 1582, after the defeat of the Siberian troops in the Battle of Chuvash Cape, the town was occupied by Yermak. On the eve of training its people and the Khan Kuchum hastily fled to Ishimsky steppe. After the death of Yermak in the city once again tried to establish the dynasty taybuginov represented Sayyid Ahmad. But after the capture in 1588 in Tobolsk Sayyid Ahmad Kashlyk desolated and began to collapse, partly tempted river.
At the beginning of XX century the city was represented by him a pile of bricks and stones overgrown with grass and trees.

The first excavations on its site were conducted in the late XIX century, Tobolsk famous artist and ethnographer Michael Znamensky. It has established a series of illustrations that reconstruct the appearance of the legendary city, as well as make the description of found objects. Following Znamensky detailed archaeological survey Isker committed social activist and local historian V. Pignatti. Later examination of the place continued a series of archaeological expeditions organized by scientists of the Urals and Siberia.

Based on their results, we can judge that this land have repeatedly been inhabited by various tribes and peoples, presumably, from the Bronze Age (I thousand years BC). At one time it was called "Kashlyk" and "Siberia" - from an ancient people of Siberia - the once populated territory of Trans-Urals. Isker was the capital of the Siberian Khanate in the period from the late XV to early XVI century. The time of his final fall was the beginning of the 80-ies of the XVI century, when the land was conquered by Ermak. In 1587 Streltsi detachment headed by Daniel Chulkov far from this place was built the city of Tobolsk. Isker a short period of time completely lost its former administrative value and becomes a "ghost town", which turned eventually into an abandoned fort. According to historical sources, Isker was finally abandoned by its inhabitants in 1588, but for a long time Tobolsk "Mohammedans" visited this area, where there were four of Astana (the necropolis of sheikhs missionaries). Today we know the location of only one (Iskerskoy) Astana.
For four centuries, most of the fortress claimed the waters of the river, leaving only a third of the hill, which is currently unsafe to stay, because fort continues to crumble into a river.
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Coordinates:   58°8'55"N   68°30'30"E
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This article was last modified 3 years ago