Lotnisko Tuzla (Živinice)

Bosnia and Herzegovina / Federacija Bosna i Hercegovina / Zivinice / Živinice
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Camp Comanche
Comanche Army Airfield
Comanche Base (Tuzla West)

Comanche Base is the hub of flight operations in the Balkans. Troops live six to eight in a tent. There's a cappucino bar, food court, chapel, exercise facility, movie tent and exchange store at the compound's center. Living conditions were sparse, but basically comfortable. Most personnel were housed in sea huts (a type of wooden building) and others in tents. However, the base replaced the tents with sea huts.

Camp design began on 31 December 1995 with a site survey. Security for the site had not yet been assured, and soldiers still occupied old MIG (a Russian-built fighter plane) aircraft hangers in the immediate vicinity. Site security was a concern throughout the camp construction with the continuous presence of Bosnian children, adults and soldiers in and around the construction areas. The initial site chosen for a 2,200-soldier camp (later revised to a 1,700-soldier camp) was an open field adjacent to the airstrip, a macadam surface approximately 6,500 feet in length and 50 feet in width with unprepared grass shoulders. (The 4th Aviation Brigade wanted to use the entire airstrip for air operations.) While large enough for the camp, the initial open site had clay soil with a very high water table that engineers said would require about 60 days of site preparation, including mine clearing, before beginning camp construction. The soil conditions also complicated mine clearing operations or made them impractical.

These facts all conspired to force a compromise in camp location and design, resulting in most of the camp placed on about 2,500 feet of airstrip and then the dining facility, laundry operation and administrative facilities on a smaller section of the original site. While certainly not ideal, the resulting design demonstrates the flexibility of the Force Provider system. The 1,700 billeting spaces; showers; field-expedient latrines; and morale, welfare and recreation facilities including chaplain, medical, sports and recreation facilities, and a movie theater were all ready and occupied by January 25 by the 4th Aviation Brigade and the 18th Military Police Brigade. On February 9, General John M. Shalikashvili, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, toured the facilities at Comanche Base with other top-ranking Army officers. General Shalikashvili, aware of similar US Air Force bare base systems, was impressed with the Army's commitment to providing high-quality life support for soldiers.

In 1997 Comanche Base was temporary home to about 1,000 US aviation support troops as well as their Apache, Black Hawk and Kiowa Warrior helicopters from the 501st Attack Battalion Squadron and 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment. More than 35 guards and 17 guard towers protect the aviation support activities at Comanche Base. An Army official reports crews sustain a 96 percent vehicle readiness rate.

At Camp Comanche the aircraft of 4/3 ACR, the combined leadership of its staff and that of the 49th Aviation Brigade of the Texas Army National Guard, made up the supported unit called the 49th Aviation Brigade Combat Team (ABCT). This combined unit was responsible for aviation support throughout MND-N and many missions throughout the entire country of Bosnia as well. In conjunction with Brown & Root, a civilian support company, the 3-5 Platoon coordinated the ammunition and petroleum, oils and lubricants (POL) needs of the 49th ABCT.

The Support Squadron, 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment, (3rd ACR), commanded by Lt. Col. Stephen M. Corcoran, provided support for their troops at Comanche while deployed to the Balkans during Operation Joint Forge. With the completion of Stabilization Force Seven (SFOR7), a Transfer of Authority (TOA) Ceremony brought change to the command and control of mission operations. Throughout this change in authority, mission readiness was maintained by uninterrupted logistical support. This continued support of maintenance, supply, transportation, and medical troops of Camp Comanche successfully upheld the continuing mission in Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH).

During late 1998 and early 1999, Task Force Eagle received the most significant construction mission since US forces arrived in Bosnia. To improve efficiency, save money, and realign base camps, Task Force Eagle closed the Colt and Guardian Base Camps. These closures required that the entire logistics operations be moved from Guardian to Comanche Base Camp. A massive construction effort was required at Comanche that included living areas, a container storage handling area, a direct support maintenance building, a supply and service area building, 50-ton haul roads, a new dining facility, parking areas, and numerous other projects. Some of this construction had to be completed or be well under way so that the 1st Cavalry Division could move directly into Comanche and Eagle Base Camps.

The quality of life for all soldiers assigned to the LTF in Bosnia has improved a great deal on Comanche Base and throughout the entire area of operations. At Comanche Base, a new gym opened for use with state of the art training equipment and full size basketball court. Additionally, new Battalion and Company Headquarters buildings have opened and provide a great environment for work. Last, with decreases in perceived threat to SFOR personnel, morale and welfare events allow soldiers to take a break and have fun.

When the First Cavalry Division was at Comanche Base, there was a 140,000-gallon Fuel System Supply Point (FSSP) in place. It consisted of two 50,000-gallon and two 20,000-gallon fuel bags. There were also five M969 5K gallon tankers and three HEMTT tankers. The majority of this fuel was dedicated to the division’s aviation assets. The Fuel Laboratory at Comanche Base was responsible for the quality surveillance and quality assurance of all fuel in MND-North. The laboratory had limited capabilities. The laboratory could only perform simple tests such as Type "B-1" partial (product verification), Type "B-3" partial (test for commingled products), and Type C (filter effectiveness, specific gravity, color and appearance). When other tests were required, fuel samples would be sent to Kaiserslautern, Germany.
Miasta w pobliżu:
Współrzędne:   44°26'19"N   18°41'5"E
  •  69 km
  •  131 km
  •  138 km
  •  143 km
  •  173 km
  •  176 km
  •  275 km
  •  278 km
  •  339 km
  •  398 km
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