NATO Kommandobunker / Startanlage Rittersdorf – Site VII "B" Pad – 71st Tactical Missile Squadron

Germany / Rheinland-Pfalz / Rittersdorf /
 Militär, Cold War 1947-1991 (en), Bunker, closed / former military (en)

Von 1956 bis 1961 lagerten in verbunkerten Silos für die US-Streitkräfte Marschflugkörper vom Typ TM-61 Matador.
Die Liegenschaft wurde zu Beginn der 90er von den Amerikaner aufgegeben
Nearby cities:
Koordinaten:   49°59'7"N   6°28'51"E


  • This was originally a Mace missile site. Then in the 80's the bunker and towers were built for a unit that was never activated. In the late 80's my unit (HQ USAFE/TMPC, Detachment 3, 7000 Special Activities Squadron) took over the bunker (no use for the towers) to support the GLCM missles in Europe with theatre mission planning. Basically, we programmed data transport devices that contained the mission data that the various GLCM units would use during war. This included both strategic missions planned at HQ SAC and tactical missions planned on site with targets provided by others. Everybody always wondered what we did at Rittersdorf Annex, now you know. Also on site was an old facility used by the Boy Scout troop based at Bitburg.
  • Entschuldigun sie mir bitte. Mein deutsch habe Ich meistens vergessen. Ich heise Bruce Whittaker. Ich habe von Juli 1989 bis Dezember 1990 dorthin gearbeitet. Ist GLCMGuy guest mein alte freund John Harold Sequoia Stewart-Smith. Er is die eigenen mann aur der TMPC dass super deutsch sprechen koennen. Mein cell ist 509 936 4307 im US... GLUCK AUF ALLE FREUNDEN.
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