Christ The King Catholic Church (Enugu)

Nigeria / Enugu / Enugu / Ikenna St, 01
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Christ the King Parish, of the Catholic Diocese of Enugu, where the famous Rev. Fr. Ejike Mbaka of the Adoration Ministry Officiates.
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Coordinates:   6°27'50"N   7°29'37"E


  • To tell the prophet of our time,not to mind the Govt.for thier distractions and face the souls he holds for God. During last years attempt for assacinatin,I cried and asked God for one thing.if you attend C.K.P sunday service mass of 10am which ends around 6pm, you will know that catholic church still have the orthourdious service.
  • l need your prayer thatGod will help too l will like you to come to portugal many people need you father. happy the day of all saints
  • father, you are doing wounderful job for our generation but please we need you here in USA-los angeles. families are great denger. many divioces, women abandoning their family and living with other men; men running around with women ;not taking care of their responsibilities in their house hold. I know they need you in nigeria but poeple here needs you!!!!!!!.
  • inomine patri et filiu et spiritu santi (Amen) father i pray that God will continue to bless you and guide you in the hands of evil one in Jesus name Amen. Long live adoration people, long live catholic church, long live people of God. Jesus igwe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! odogwu, Jsus anaegbuachara, Agu udo iluigwe. pls father pray for me i need your help.
  • Jah will keep protecting Jah and nothing can u in Jesus name. You are doing the great work of
  • Father my God will protect you in Jesus name. Amen
  • Fr. I need to have audience with you. I love your style. I love your courage and convinction. Please pray for me and the situations around me as I also pray for you. May the good Lord continue to exalte and protect. At last,may heaven,our target be your portion. AMEN!
  • Fr. I need to have audience with you. I love your style. I love your courage and convinction. Please pray for me and the situations around me as I also pray for you. May the good Lord continue to exalte and protect. At last,may heaven,our target be your portion. AMEN!
  • Father i bu nwa ikuku please remember me in your prayers
  • Father you are my great man of most High dady!!!!!!!! I need to sing a new song to my GOD.
  • Father! May d Gud Lord continue 2 protect and 2 direct u 2 d right path, Amen! How i wish i will come 2 Adoration ground and worship with u. Well, God knows d best 4 me becos i ve set Him continually b/4 me and i hope one day i must surely be there. Long life 2 u Rv. Fr. Ejike C. Mbaka. Remain Blessed!
  • FR. I want to be a prophet like Elijah. I also want to be a soul winner. DOMINUS VOBISCUM
  • Fr pls prayer 4 d church that the good lord will protect and guide the church especially the priests and the ministers of the church
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This article was last modified 13 years ago