
India / Madhya Pradesh / Petlawad /
 town, notable by news, taluka headquarter
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Tahsil Petlawad, District Jhabua, Madhya Pradesh
Petlawad is a Nagar Panchayat city in district of Jhabua, Madhya Pradesh.
The Petlawad Nagar Panchayat has population of 15,174 as per report released by Census India 2011.
Petlawad is the tehsil place having population of around 30000 thousand. It has a Govt. Hospital, local course, Govt. School, Inter College and College providing BA, B.COM and Masters degree courses. The college is affliated to DAVV Indore. This village is mostly dominated by Jain and Khurmi Community folks. However it is one of key village of Jhabua District and surrounded by Bhil tribal folks. The population belongs to lower and lower middle class having average income < INR 4000 per month. The main income of the population is farming which is dependent on monsoon. The land is also marginally production.

Notable by News :
12 September 2015 - Major explosion at a restaurant located in a 2-storey building leading to several loss of human lives (80) and collapse of the building.
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   23°0'36"N   74°47'45"E