Alun-Alun Utara (Yogyakarta)
Indonesia /
Yogyakarta /
Yogyakarta /
Jalan Alun-alun Utara
/ Indonesia
/ Yogyakarta
/ Yogyakarta
/ Indonesia / Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta
lapangan, taman, bersejarah, tak terlihat, historic town square (en)
Ini adalah area alun-alun lor yang diperkecil dan hanya tinggal bagian tengahnya saja.
Alun-Alun Lor serves as a place for mental agility and endurance of the soldiers. In addition, Alun-alun Lor also works as a place to hold sekatenan event, a gathering place for people facing the sultan, and the venue for state ceremonies. Until now no Alun-alun Lor still functioned to a wide range of purposes such as sports, exhibitions, conferences and MTQ.
Alun-Alun Lor serves as a place for mental agility and endurance of the soldiers. In addition, Alun-alun Lor also works as a place to hold sekatenan event, a gathering place for people facing the sultan, and the venue for state ceremonies. Until now no Alun-alun Lor still functioned to a wide range of purposes such as sports, exhibitions, conferences and MTQ.
Kota terdekat:
Koordinat: 7°48'14"S 110°21'51"E
- Ndalem Karundrajan 2.9 km
- Restoran Westlake 7.1 km
- Ndawah 21 km
- Kebon Cemara 25 km
- Cave of Langsih (GOA LANGSE) 26 km
- Persawahan Karangmulyo 39 km
- Rawa Pagak 47 km
- Alun-Alun 51 km
- komplek makam kyai sadrah 54 km
- Kampung KAUMAN 0.3 km
- keraton yogyakarta 0.4 km
- Kel. Prawirodirjan 0.5 km
- Ngampilan 0.7 km
- Kel. Notoprajan 0.8 km
- Kelurahan Ngampilan 0.9 km
- Kec. Mantrijeron 1.6 km
- Kec. Mergangsan 1.6 km
- Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 10 km
- Bantul 11 km