Sednaya Prison

Syria / Damaskus / at-Tall /
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According to Amnesty International, between 2011 and 2015, every week and often twice a week, groups of 50 prisoners were taken out of their prison cells and hanged to death. During the five years from 5,000 to 13,000 people were secretly hanged in the Sednaya prison.

The State Department released commercial satellite photographs showing what it described as a building in the prison complex that had been modified to support the crematorium. The photographs, taken over the course of several years, beginning in 2013, do not prove the building is a crematorium, but apparently show construction consistent with such use.

If there was a crematorium being build in the Saydnaya prison how is it that none of the Amnesty witnesses in the recent Amnesty report noticed the construction? These witnesses, Amnesty claims, have been in that prison and observed all kind of obscure details. They also actuallly claimed that the dead were buried in mass graves and not cremated.

A Dutch military expert has dismissed the “evidence” by Jones and the US State Department as “joke”. He noted that on the commercial satellite pictures and the interpretation provided, that it made no sense because the so-called crematorium “vents” had been there before the purported construction.

Information :

The film was shot by United Kingdom (In Arabic):

The film was shot by Amnesty International (In English):
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Coordinates:   33°39'53"N   36°19'47"E