Pesthidegkút (Budapest)

Hungary / Pest / Solymar / Budapest
 településrész  Kategória hozzáadása
 Fotó feltöltése

Budapest kertvárosi része, körbe erdővel és hegyekkel.
Nyugodt része a nagyvárosnak.
Közeli városok:
Koordináták:   47°33'39"N   18°57'36"E


  • Excuse me! What is your name? Waffen SS? You are using a name what was the name of a group of soldiers who were found guilty of war crimes and you talking about intelligence? ( Another thing what proves YOUR level of intelligence is that the knowledge of foreign languages isn't depend on the level of iq. It's only knowledge and needs no intelligence to learn it. Oh and your knowledge is not so good too. The EU has 20 official languages. ( So before you write something... just think.
This article was last modified 10 évvel ezelőtt