Technica and Vocational Training Corporation (TVTC) (Эн-Набк)

Saudi Arabia / al-Jawf / al-Qurayyat / Эн-Набк
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About TVTC

Establishment of the Technica and Vocational Training Corporation (TVTC)

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is experiencing, in its modern history, a period of enormous development that has touched upon all aspects of life. One example of this development is the formation of a national manpower to which the government has given complete attention. In consequence of this, it has created government institutions that plan and supervise educational and training programmes.
Having realized the importance of technical and vocational education. the government had issued the royal decree ( no. M/30 dated 10/ 8/1400 ), which stipulated the establishment of the Technica and Vocational Training Corporation ( that will be referred to from now on as TVTC or the Organization). The decree stated that the training centers. run by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, and the technical institutes. run by the Ministry of Education be transferred from these ministries to the Organization. As a result of this strong support given by the government. the Organization has been able to increase the number of its graduates and to spread technical education and vocational training in the cities and the provinces of the Kingdom.

Part of the decree that stipulated the establishment of the Organization is the encouragement to undertake an objective planning for the development of the workforce for the following areas:

All that is related to technical education in various fields such industry, agriculture and commerce.

All that is related to vocational training in all its forms and levels such as vocational training for youth, preparatory training, vocational preparation. on-the-job training, and other forms of training in the field of technical and vocation training except the centers that has been established by the concerned government sector. or those that may be established in the future on the basis of decision by the Council of the Workforce.

Embarking on vocational research and studies in order to develop the performance and the productive competence of the national workforce.
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Coordinates:   31°22'15"N   37°17'57"E
This article was last modified 11 years ago