Tapovan, Chinmaya mission

India / Himachal Pradesh / Dharamshala /
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veda mandir
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Coordinates:   32°10'36"N   76°21'37"E


  • if ever u come searching for peace,here is the place where u'll find it. the ground next to the ashram was earlier a playground for atleast 3 villages,but now its a legislative assembly there. really sad n annoying.now the people who use to spend there evening watchn the amazing beauty of the mountains,the kids who use to play there,the fairz n d festivals that were a small happiness for the people around is no more. thank u so much dhummal sarkar for making dat piece of shit overe there,which opens up for just a week or so n is of no use n is using more government funds
This article was last modified 7 years ago