Palais des Archevêques, Sens (Sens)

France / Bourgogne / Sens
 museum, interesting place
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Coordinates:   48°11'51"N   3°17'4"E


  • what a great place 2 discover, especially after knowing that it is the first gothic style in Europe... and, also the public market, wich is a little bit too poor about choices, but still so very french and i wonder if it is normal that no industries or either factories or any commercial stuff wasn't present ther, bcoz i said to one of my friend there must be something very special about that place for not doing any commercial extend. anyway, very pleaase to have seen that the world is not completly crazy about money and what a shame to come such a long to see that in France only but it is reassuring me, thank's a lot
This article was last modified 18 years ago