New Julfa (Esfahan)

Iran / Esfahan / Esfahan
 region, residential area

New Julfa is the Armenian quarter of Isfahan, Iran, located along the south bank of the river Zayandeh River.

In 1606 it was established as an Armenian quarter by edict of Shah Abbas I, the influential shah from the Safavid dynasty. Over 150,000 Armenians were moved there from Julfa (also known as Jugha or Djugha) in Nakhichevan, Azerbaijan. Iranian accounts state that the Armenians came to Persia fleeing the Ottoman Empire's persecution while Armenian accounts state that the population was moved by force and their hometown destroyed. All accounts agree that, as the residents of Julfa were famous for their skill with silk textiles, Shah Abbas hoped that their settlement in Isfahan would be beneficial to Persia.

New Julfa is still an Armenian-populated area with an Armenian school and at least twelve churches, including Vank Cathedral, the Church of Bethlehem at Nazar Avenue, Saint Mary church at Julfa Square and the Yerevan church in the Yerevan area. Armenians in New Julfa observe Iranian law with regard to clothing, but otherwise retain a distinct Armenian language, identity and culture.

Popular with young people in Esfahan, it is experiencing considerable growth compared to other districts.
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   32°38'21"N   51°38'54"E


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  • سلام سنسي زكريام خوبين سنسي هر وقت اين پيا رو خونديد لطفا بهم زنگ بزنيد شمارم 09373835123 خيلي دوستتودارم شاگرد قديمي زكريا نعمتي
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