Kyiv Specialized Secondary Music boarding school named after M.V. Lysenko (Kyiv)

Ukraine / Kyyivska / Kotsyubynske / Kyiv / vulytsia Parkovo-Syretska, 4
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Kyiv Specialized Secondary Music boarding school named after M. Lysenko (KSSMS), attached to the National Musical Academy of Ukraine named after P. Tchaikovsky is one of the leading educational establishments in the field of training concerting musicians of the highest qualification in Ukraine and Eastern Europe as a whole. KSSMS named after M. Lysenko was opened in 1934 attached to the Kyiv state conservatory named after P. Tchaikovsky (now the National Musical Academy of Ukraine named after P. Tchaikovsky), as a professional educational establishment for the gifted children. In 1944 school was named after the prominent Ukrainian composer, founder of the Ukrainian classic music M. Lysenko. The main aim of school is training of the highly professional specialists. Combination of the special musical education with general is indisputable advantage of school.

During the years of its existence KSSMS prepared more than 800 winners of international and Ukrainian musical contests in all mastery specialities which took place in different countries of Europe, Asia and America. Since Ukraine became independent more pupils of the school became the prizes-winners of the International Contests than for all previous period of its existence. Integration of Ukraine into the European structures played an important role in expansion of "geography" of contests, which became available for the pupils of school. Our young musicians take part and win prizes in contests in Germany, France, Italy, England, Greece, Canada, Japan, the USA, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Russia and Byelorussia. Our pupils are among the winners of various national mastery contests.

Professional achievements of the pupils of school are explained in a great deal by old traditions and that the most effective form of preparing highly qualified professional musicians "school-college" studying system is practically realized here. During all years of its existence school had the close mutual relations with the National Musical Academy of Ukraine named after P. Tchaikovsky (the NMAU) and became its structural subdivision. The Rectorate, the Academic Council and the departments of the NMAU became the source of the creative contacts and professional intercommunications between the

Academy and KSSMS. Successful introduction of this pedagogical conception is shown by the fact that practically all advanced school's graduates continue their professional training in the National Musical Academy of Ukraine.

The best musicians of Kyiv work traditionally at school. In different years the well-known masters of musical art K. Mykhaylov, A. Lufer, A.Yankelevych, Y. Slyvak and V Yablonsky were members of the pedagogical collective. And today 2 corresponding members of the Academy of Arts of Ukraine, 1 laureate of the National Prize of Ukraine named after T. Shevchenko, 3 People's Artists of Ukraine, 16 Honoured Artists of Ukraine, 4 Honoured Art Workers of Ukraine, 2 Honoured Culture Workers of Ukraine, 12 profes sors, 10 assistant professors, 4 doctors of sciences, 3 candidates of sciences work at school. Among them are: B. Kotorovych, V. Apatsky, S. Bashtan, O. Kudryashov, I. Ryabov, V. Kozlov, 0.Liforenko, Y. Kot, B. Arhimovych, N. Tolpygo, V. Koshuba, V. Borysov, I.Kucher, O.Chervova, D. Gavrylets, V.Turbovsky, V.Posvalyuk, V.Pylypchak, O.Blinov, I. Pyaskovsky, T. Bondarenko, Y. Kurach, V. Petrychenko, K. Shamayeva, Y. Glushchenko, Y.Oliynyk, 1. Tchaichenko, L. Davymuka and many others. They fruitfully work at all departments of school, determining its high creative and methodical level. At the same time many leading teachers of school work at different departments of the National Musical Academy of Ukraine - S. Ryabov, L. Ovcharenko, Y. Rivnyak (Honoured Artist of Ukraine), M Kardash, V. Sherstyuk (Honoured Art Worker of Ukraine, professor), B. Fedorov, N. Grydnyeva (Honoured Culture Worker).
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Coordinates:   50°27'54"N   30°26'9"E


  • 11 щасливих років з 1979 - 1990!!!!
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