التقنية الأمنية IT Security Training & Solutions – I(TS)2, Jeddah Office (Jeddah)

Saudi Arabia / Makkah / Jiddah / Jeddah
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I(TS)2 is the Middle East’s premier provider of integrated Security Training & Certification Curriculum, Security Solutions, Security Consultancy and Managed Security Services. As an ISO 27001 Certified company; the company’s unique approach ensures delivery of the right combination of Policies, Procedures, Products and People to meet unique business needs.

Madinah Road
Al Dainy Plaza 5th Floor- Office # 703
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Phone : +9662-612-8306
Fax: +9662-612-8307 (Fax)
Mobile: +9665-0640-3248

شارع المدينة المنورة
الـدينـي بـلازا ـ الطابق الخامس مكتب رقم 705
المملكة العربية السعودية
هاتف : 8306 612 9662+
فاكس: : 8307 612 9662+
جوال: 3248 0640 9665
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Coordinates:   21°36'47"N   39°9'22"E
This article was last modified 15 years ago