High school of №3 (Cheboksary)

Russia / Chuvasija / Kugesi / Cheboksary / ул. Рихарда Зорге
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High school of №3 Cheboksary the unusual. It has double history. Sources of 3rd school begin on the bank of the picturesque river of Volga.

1934, November, 29 number. The decision of Presidium of the Cheboksary City Council again opening school in a city has received serial №3 and is named by N.K.Krupsky's name. The old school on Volga was along the street Kalinin and Rebrovsky Valentina Ivanovna was its first director.

Since 1939 for 1978 the high school №3 on Kalinin 43 times saw off in the big life of the pupils. Despite all difficulties, collective of teachers assiduously worked on rising generation education that has been noted by the Supreme body Chuvash АССР. The school has been awarded by the certificate of honour. For self-denying work on education and training of children of 32 teachers of school are awarded by awards and medals.

The indelible trace in human life was left by the Great Patriotic War. From first days and to last hour the amicable, harmonious collective of high school №3 helped the country to forge a victory.

Amicably operated тимуровские groups, assisting families of front-line soldiers. Pupils of school collected for soldiers and sent parcels with warm things. Have collected and have handed over: on tank building «the Pioneer of Chuvashiya» - 518 rivers, on an armored train – 9910 rivers the School №3 on Kalinin became the initiator in fund raising republic on tank building «For the happy childhood».

1943. The school №3 has received the governmental telegramme for the help of Red Army from Supreme commander in chief I.V.Stalin: «… I Ask to transfer to pupils and the teachers of the Cheboksary school №3 who have collected means for building of the tank« For the happy childhood », my hot greetings and gratitude of Red Army.


On war fronts battled over two hundred pupils of school. The majority of them are awarded by awards and medals, and to the graduate of school Sapozhnikovu Michael Aleksandrovichu the rank of the Hero of Soviet Union is appropriated.

1979. In settlement Southern Cheboksary building of the next school comes to the end. This, again opening school, it was fated to accept relay race from the advanced school №3 on Kalinin.

At the moment at school 394 pupils, 17 classes are trained.

At high school of №3 Cheboksary operates 3 museums:
# Nikita Jakovlevicha Bichurina's Memorial museum.
# the Museum of fighting glory.
# the Memorial museum of Riharda Zorge.

The historical inquiry.

In the beginning of 1934 to Cheboksary on street of Kalinin building of a building of school has begun. On November, 29th, 1934 the decision of Presidium of the City Council «… the Managing school opening in a building of a kindergarten of the Executive Committee of the City Soviet of People's Deputies to appoint т. Rebrovsky».

In December 1934г. Has begun компонавание educational groups. The school has received a serial number three and the name: «School of N.K.Krupsky».

The kindergarten premise on street Uritsky has not been adapted for school employment: in four class rooms, in two changes, 400 pupils are engaged; there were no premises for a teacher's room, table. Even a corridor was not, where it would be possible to leave a class on change.

Despite all difficulties, collective of teachers has organised educational process that has been noted in the Decision of Presidium of the Executive Committee of the City Soviet of People's Deputies from 28.02.35г.

The Executive Committee of the City Soviet of People's Deputies has allocated to school an earthen site in пойме the rivers Cheboksarka and fruit a church garden on street Kadykova (the decision of Presidium of the City Council from 25.04.35г.)

01.09.35г. Solemn opening of school №3 of N.K.Krupsky has taken place. In the spring 1936г. The first release of the pupils who have ended 7 classes has taken place. 59 persons are let out.

Since 1939 regular release of the pupils who have finished 10 classes has begun: 1939г. – 21 persons, 1940 – 26 persons, 1941г. – 29 persons.

In 1939 the school is awarded «by the Certificate of honour of the Supreme body Chuvash АССР» «… As won first place among city schools on study, discipline and amateur performances of pupils».

The indelible trace in a school life was left by a Patriotic War 1941-45

Have left on front of the teacher. The school has accepted the big group of the pupils evacuated from areas of operations.

Density, lack of textbooks and visual aids, regular power cutoff – with all it was necessary to be reconciled. Teachers and pupils with firmness transferred a hardship, sensitively concerned to each other, surrounded with heat and care of those who has lost the relatives at the front.

Тимуровцы helped families of front-line soldiers: carried water, sawed and chopped firewood, put and cleaned a potato. Pupils visited wounded men in hospitals. Read and wrote to wounded men of the letter, acted with concerts of amateur performances and did many other trifles pleasing wounded men.

Pupils and teachers collected means for military technology building. So, on tank building «the Pioneer of Chuvashiya» have collected 518 roubles, armored trains «the Member of the Komsomol of Chuvashiya» - 9910 roubles, warplanes – 436 roubles. The school was the initiator of fund raising on tank building «For the happy childhood». Teachers and schoolboys have collected 15860 roubles. 27.04.43 years the school has received for the help of Red Army the thankful telegramme from the Supreme commander in chief of Red Army I.V. Stalin.

On Patriotic War fronts battled about 200 pupils of school. The majority of them is awarded by awards and medals of Soviet Union, and to Michael Sapozhnikovu the rank of the Hero of Soviet Union is appropriated.

On leaving school have left on front of 9 schoolgirls: Михайлова Belief, Cherionova Olja, Ivanov Tonja, Varnova Rita, Shigaeva of the Lead, Krasilnikova Nina, Chernova Galja, Rebrovsky Tanja, Sazonov Tosja.

Not all have come back home. Only from the pupils who have ended 10th class in 1939-1943 27 persons were lost, and how many was lost the ended 7 classes per 1936-1943 – is not established.

Girls, graduates of school, directly from a school bench went on factories and factories where replaced the men who have left on front. Among them there were Mamleyev Margarita, sisters Lomonosovy Nina and Ljusja, Sacheva Lydia, Makarova Eugene, Sapozhnikova Lilja and many, many other things.

For self-denying work on education and training of children of 32 teachers of school are awarded by the governmental awards and medals. Including: Lenin's awards – 3 persons (Ukhov, Tolmachyov, Krasnoshchekova); an award of the Labour Red Banner – 2 persons (Aleksandrova, Ukhov); an award «Honour Sign» - 3 persons (Dmitriev, Danilov, Karvovsky). Honorary titles are appropriated:

- The deserved teacher of RSFSR – Chernjakova,

_ the Deserved teacher Chuvash АССР – 8 persons

With 1943 – 44 academic years the school №3 became female school

In post-war years the school continued to remain among the best in a city.

On February, 21st 1961г. At school there was a fire. Have burnt out premises of assembly hall, an educational class, apartment of the supply manager of school. The building has been repaired by 01.09. 1969

In 1978г. At school №3 it. Krupsky on street of Kalinin last school-leaving party of the pupils who have left school has taken place.

In total since 1936 for 1978 the school 43 times saw off in the big life of the pupils who have ended 7-8 classes and 39 times, the ended 10-11 classes

For these years the school was headed by 10 directors: Rebrovsky Century И, Makarov M. P, Ivarbeev V. I, Kozlova V. I, Ivanova A.M., Muljukova T.I., Maksimov A.M., Makarevich N.T., Chubanov J.I., Vasilev K.L.
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This article was last modified 6 years ago