Transformation Area (Former Lindsey Air Station) (Wiesbaden)

Germany / Hessen / Wiesbaden
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Former location of Lindsey Air Station (USAF)
Former home of the 1st Combat Communications Squadron (Group)
Former home 2063 Comm Sq
Former SS Headquarters during WWII
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Coordinates:   50°4'15"N   8°13'19"E


  • Home of the 1836th Engineering Installation Group (1836 EIG)
  • The spelling is incorrect. It is Lindsey Air Station after Darrell R. Lindsey. I was stationed there for three years, 1986 - 1989 in the Photo Lab.
  • I was fortunate enough to be stationed at Lindsey twice. The first time with the 1836 EIG from 1978 to 1981. Then again from 1984 to 1989. I fond memories of the annual Friendship Fests. I lived in B19 and there was no way to get home except through the beer tent! The carnival rides and other attractions covered the parade field. Does anyone else remember those events?
  • I was stationed at Lindsey AS from 1982 - 1986. It was one of the best assignments I had, throughout my Air Force career. Hanging out at "Ruddy's", eating at Vesuvio's and the annual Freundschaftsfest are times that I will never forget.
  • I was stationed at Linsey from 1974 to 76. I can not think of a better place to be stationed. Just a great place. Partied way to much and had way to much fun.
  • I was stationed there when it was the 2 MOB (2nd Mobile Communications Group). The 2MOB was originally at Sembach AB Germany, then in 1972 when USAFE moved to Ramstein AB, the unit was moved from Sembach to LAS. We went in and converted parking lots to motorpool lots as we had 150+ wheeled vehicles. Buildings were converted to repair centers, warehouses etc. Then in 1976 we were moved again, but this time to CONUS. We were almost totally relocated to Patrick AFB on the Atlantic coast of Florida, not far from Cocoa Beach. Shortly thereafter, we were redesignated as the 2nd Combat Communications Group. A few years later, I think it was consolidated with the 1st CCG which was in Warner Robbins GA.
  • I was stationed at Wiesbaden Air Base, then at Lindsey AS when the Army moved to WAB in 76. Worked with the 497th RTG at Schierstein, with the 7575th SOG, Rhein Main, and with the AFOSI in various places. Lived in an old SS barracks which had been fire-bombed for a while, then got a place in Mainz. Tried to get reassigned there in 84 when leaving Spangdahlem, but got sent to Ramstein's Command Post instead. I'm hoping to return to Germany in the next year or so; this time without duty and travel restrictions so I can act touristy.
  • I was stationed at Lindsey Sep 69 -- Feb 73 2063rd Comm Gp...Awesome assign. Great people great memories!!!
  • If anyone was stationed at Lindsey 69-73 please contact me at would love to share memories/pics. Thanks
  • I was there from 91-93. I close the place down. I was in the 2063CS upon arrival and we changed to the 7100CS in line with the 7100CSW.I loved this place and am getting a trip together to bo back next year. I would love to hear more about anybody else's time spent there. It's hard to find folks that were there towards the end.
  • I was stationed here from 1960-62 with the 25th Communications Sq. Great assignment. There was a little bar/eating place across street from main gate which was great, esp since you could run a tab.
  • I was stationed at Lindsey from July 84 to June 88. I was with DET 1 1856 as a Teletype/Computer Operator and worked at the Schierstein Compound. It was such a great assignment, shortly after arriving I extended a year because I knew 3 years just wouldn't be enough. Good people, beautiful country, my cool old BMW, yagerschnitzel at Pete's, the wine festivals... just too good!
  • My father was stationed at LAS from 1972-1973 and worked in the Finanace Office. I attended 4th grade on station. I still remember going to Rimini's out the back gate for Pizza and have yet to find a place that makes a better pie!! In the early 90's, I took my wife to see the area and where my family lived on Park Strasse. Interestingly, the very day we were driving on LAS was the last day it was open and next day it was being turned back over to German control. I'm so thankful we were able to get the chance to see it one last time!!! Great place and great memories!!!!
  • I was stationed there from June 1982-June 1986. I worked in the Supply Warehouse. It was probably one of my favorite assignments. My Dad was stationed there in 65-68 when EIG was GEEIA. (I think thats right) I went to Elementary School in the spring of 66 on Lindsey. Later that building was the child care center and Rec center in the 80"s. It was really strange to go back as an adult to a place I lived as a kid. I have very fond memories of the festivals of 83, 84, 85. I was the coordinator for the base booster club. Such great memories.....Volksmarching..... Beer drinking, Beer Drinking, Festivals, AHHHHH YAAAA>>>>>
  • I was stationed there 1972-1974 Accounting and Finance. Managed the Movie Theater for a short time till they kicked me out. Billups was my Sgt in charge. Coached football and baseball with Mccalister.Jon Neil taught me Basketball and pool! Great to get some pictures and any feed back?
  • My dad was stationed there from September 67 through October, 70. I went to 2nd grade at Lindsey Elementary School but transferred to Vandenburg in 3rd grade because dad was required to move to on-base housing after making E-9. In retrospect I loved that place. There were 4 DMs to the dollar and the German economy was still recovering from WWII: We lived like kings in those days. I still have my dad's Best Wishes Christmas Stein from the Rocker Club were he used to take me to play the 10 cent slot machines along with tonnes of '60s era German stuff, (even have my alpine hat and the cane I bought at the Green Arrow Inn).
  • i was stationed at the regional medical center which was about 2 blocks away.we partied at LAS every weekend.the Cave was under the nco club and my hospital crew would shut it down friday and saturday nite.i worked the beer tent at the friendship fest every year i was there.1986 to 1989.i remember playing tackle football on the parade grounds with my fellow airmen.the wine fest around weisbaden were great.i got married in 87 and my wife joined me and we moved to the hainerberg housing complex.we traveled to spain,zurich,munich,brussels,london,austria,and was the best of times.great city,good people, I have really good feelings about my tour there.
  • Stationed their in 77 - 80 with the 7113 SAS. Does anyone remember Peter's Gasthaus out the gate and down the street? Great place to hang out and knock back a few. Remember the intermural basketball season in 77. Lot's of fun. Went back with the wife this summer, lot's of changes but still nice area.
  • Stationed there from 73-76 with 497th, then 7113th SAS, worked on wiesbaden flight line under hanger 1, and then in the hanger beside it. Worked supply, did some good TDY's , had a lot of fun, bill g
  • My dad was stationed there from 1962 - 1964...his assignment was terminated due to a family emergency back in the states. We lived in Crestview Base Housing on Marsweg. I attended Lindsey Elementary School for second and third grade. I had Mrs. Hershey and Mrs. Bilderbach. Frau Stabler was our German teacher. Our school buses were navy blue military buses. The Beatles were big in England and Germany...(they had not traveled to the US I heard them first in Europe). I was in Girl Scouts and we traveled quite a bit. To the Franfurt Zoo, Gutenberg's Printing press, and Rheinstein Castle...etc... My dad was a member of the Rocker club...and I have the stein to prove it. We vacationed in Garmisch at Lake Eibsee.. We had an OPAL and every Sunday we took drives along the Rhein River. My dad and mom loved to stop at the wine kellers along the road and sample the wine. My dad bought my sister an I a red long-haired dachshund. Penny was our family dog for 11 years. She followed us to all our subsequent assignments, Dover, HIckam, and finally the Pentagon in Washington DC. Thanks for the memories!
  • I was stationed at 7113 sas camp lindsey from 75-77! Bill G and Ron L, I remember you both like it was yesterday:)
  • My father was assigned to Lindsey 3 times, 1953-56, 59-62, and again from 1966-1969 in the finance office. We lived in Hainerberg all three times, California, Virginia and Washington Strasse. I went to 4th grade at Lindsey, and then the elementary school and ended up graduating from H.H. Arnold High in Hainerberg. I got to see a lot of Europe while we were there and I especially remember our Sunday drives along the Rhinegau and stopping to sample the wine!
  • I wasn't stationed here, but served at Camp Pieri in 1953 - 1956 with USAFSS (Scty Comm. But have fond memories at Camp Lindsey on April 21, 1956, when a F-86H jet from the 50th FBWg. taxed up with a very familar pilot: Lt. Col Charles E. Yeagar, the US test pilot who flew the X-1 rocket A/C over 1600 mph at Edwards Testing Center (The shuck works, I think).
  • I was the Chief Telephone operator at LAS from 81 to 84. Colonel Purdy was the commander of the 2063rd Comm Sq.
  • I was stationed there from 1986 - 1988 with the "old" AFOSI District 70. Great assignment and a great time to be in Germany.
  • I was stationed there with EUDAC from 74-76. Had a great time. I visited Wiesbaden in 2009. The only thing I recognized was the Hauptbahnhof.
  • Stationed at Lindsey Air Station GE, with 7100 ABW CBPO, 1977-1980. If you worked in the CBPO during this time or know Daniel Bago, tell me.
  • I was stationed at Lindsey from April 1972 to April 1974. I was assigned to the microwave radio site, under the tower, next to the chow hall. Rob Thompson, above, said that he worked at the movie theatre during that time and I remember that music would be played before the film started and one time the song "American Soldier Boy" by the Edgar Broughton Band was playing and I was laughing out loud over that.
  • My dad was stationed in LAS from 67 to 71. i was in second grade when we got there. many memories the cold the snow. Came from san antonio and my teachers husband eas transferred to wiesbaden at the same time. Mrs. Pfister. Mrs chang. Miss it.
  • Just to set the record straight... 1836th EIG rocked this station . I was there from 88-91. Had some of the greatest times!! Here we go: BORN IN THE BACK WOODS, RAISED BY A BEAR, DOUBLE ROW OF BACK TEETH, DOUBLE COAT OF HAIR. CAST IRON BALLS AND A STAINLESS STEEL ROD. WERE MEAN M******ER F*****ERS E&I BY GOD. I think that says it all. If you know anything about Lindsay you know that chant. Oh yeah, the 1836th owned the cave at the nco club. Peace.
  • My dad (and us) were there from 79 - 82. He was in the 1st Combat Communication Squadron.
  • Was stationed at Camp Pieri from 1972 to 1977. When we had our barracks worked on, we were temporarily housed in barracks at Lindsey. All I can say is that you AF guys had it made, especially with your chow. Sure miss Germany and in particular Wiesbaden and Garmisch.
  • I was with the 12th CAG (the Army unit) that got transfered to LAS in '80...... I agree with Sanford..LAS did have the best food not to mention - the Cave
  • I was there from 91 - 93 (when we closed down and moved to Mainz Kastel Storage Station). The "Jewel of Germany" was the best atmosphere in the AF. The small town atmosphere with a family oriented feel. When I first arrived in Dec 91, Lindsey Fest was in full swing. Spent my time with 1st Combat Comm and then fell under Det 2, 26IW. Lived over in Crestview Village and hated to see it close. I believe the Hospital closed the a few months after Terry Anderson came through.
  • I was there from 82-84. Worked as a mechanic with 7100 ABG. DJ'd in the cave with TC. Had a blast.
  • Just to echo DSaborit's comments cause I was there with him and was in the was outta control and alot of fun...was the from 91-93 when it closed. Nobody did the 1836 chant like Jim Smeltz may he RIP!
  • I was stationed with HHC 1/70th Armor at W.A.B. from '78 to 80. Medic , U.s. Army, . Did a 90 day rotation at L.A.S. Hospital w/ AiR Force. Best chow my friends. Cave was a happening even back then. Leave out of the E. R. Entrance , head across the street & hang out, Germania Halle , I believe. Hated to rotate back to the Armor unit but alas all things come to an end.
  • was stationed there at the 7453 Tac Elec Sq July 87 thru Mar 90 when they closed us down, got an early separation out of the deal and 3 years of the best assignment possible. Was an E-5 but worked in civvies most of the assignment for some, ah, really fun folks.
  • Although I had several TDYs to Lindsey AS in the late 1960 and early 1970s, I spent almost four wonderful years there as the Chief, Security Police from March 1980 to October 1983. Lived in Hallgarten among the vineyards and had an uncluttered view of the Rhine. Worked with lots of great people, German and American. The annual open house in June to celebrate German Reunification Day was a challenge, but did those freshly poured beers taste good after closing the base around midnight for three nights. Went back in 2009 and toured the former base. My former office was then a bistro!
  • Stationed at Lindsey from 1980 - 1984. 1836
  • Was at HQ USAFE/DCS OPS from 1965-1968. Best years of my life. All the german chicks plus the female civilians who lived upstairs in the Amelia Earhart (all gathered for the dancing downstairs) HOT< HOT< HOT
  • My Dad was stationed at the Rocker Club on two different tours in Germany. Remember it fondly.
  • My twin sister and I were born at Lindsey in 1968. We didn't live there long enough for me to remember it but I would love to revisit our birthplace someday. My birth certificate simply says Wiesbaden, Hesse, Germany.
  • Was stationed there from 1971 to 1974 with the European Defense Analysis Center. My office was in the basement of the elementary school. Me and my family lived in the Aukamm housing area. It was an interesting and productive tour
  • Stationed at Lindsey 71-73 supply guy, great friends, great time in Wiesbaden, Germany was a great assignment.
  • I was stationed at Lindsay Air Station from 1981-1987.
  • I was stationed there 88 - 91 with the 1836 EIG. Lived in B-19, when I was there, always TDY.
  • Assigned to the 1836 EIS on Lindsay AS in Wiesbaden from 1977 to 1981. TDY 10 months out of each year to numerous countries in Europe & the near east. Very stressful for me and my young family. We survived however. Germany is beautiful. Loved my co-workers, especially Fritz and Werner, a couple of crazy Germans. Richard Neese USAF E7 Ret..
  • Was sgt. Pollard at spang Picadilly john
  • I worked with both these guys from81-83. Werner was my boss and mentor, lot's of great memories on the road with these men.
  • I was stationed at LAS from 73-76 USAFE Procurement Center. We moved over from WAB in 73
  • My experience with LAS involves clubs and buses. LAS is the place where I got my first taste of an audio club or photo club and it's one the places that I later, as a civilian bus driver, delivered dependent kids to school. In early 1972, when I arrived in Germany as an Army specialist, I got assigned to the 563rd Ordnance Company at Camp Pieri. I soon heard about audio and photo clubs and visited the club at LAS, which was in the basement of a building. After getting out of the Army, I worked for five years at the motor pool at Wiesbaden Air Base (now Wiesbaden Army Air Field or Clay Kaserne). I drove school buses Monday through Friday, delivering kids to LAS (and the high school at Hainerberg) and picking them up for the ride home. On some weekends I drove the shuttle bus between LAS and WAB. Up to mid-76, the buses were blue Air Force vehicles. After that they were Army green. If you were a student at either school from March '73 through April '78, you probably had me as a bus driver on one or more occasions. Nice memories.
  • Were you Ground Radio or Wideband? I was there from 85-90 and they were both still there. Around 90 Werner was talking retirement.
  • Hello, I was one of the last of 3 people to close the facility with Col Hawthorne and Col Jenueng. I was temp assigned to help close the 435 Hospital as well. (SSgt Detwiler)
  • I was in Navaids. He was in the Hitler youth so he had to be fairly old by 1990. I spent the night in his home once, I really liked the guy and learned much from him.
  • Was stationed at Lindsey '79-'83 with 7113th SAS. Worked out at Wiesbaden AB, Hangar 34. GREAT memories playing for Lindsey Flyers varsity softball/football teams. Got married there in '81. Any old softball alumni out there? Would love to reminisce!
  • It was the 2nd Mobile Comm. group - 1973 to about middle of '75 or '76. During the time that USAFE moved to Ramstien. Believe it was called "Operation Swap Creek" ? MSGT (Ret), USAF - F.H. Cross.
  • It was a party, Rick. I remember it well. HARVEY WALLBANGERS. That day/night/week lives on in infamy.
  • My Dad was the founding Commandant of the 17th AF Leadership School. CMSGT T. P. Barton, in 82/83. Miss him bigtime! Had a lot of fun being a bagboy at the Heinaberg Commissary. Any Gen H.H. Arnold HS folks here? Anybody else raise Hell at The Pub London?
  • Moved from Sembach to Lindsey...2nd..then 1st MOB...Air Traffic Control...Terps...and the Public Affairs NCO...the 1 for first mob was my design..had to re do it ..seems someone had the same pattern. Loved it..when we were not deployed anyway.
  • Stationed there from 1977-1981 Det-1 2134 CS which was actually 1st Combat Comm SQ and then returned 1989-1994 with Intel unit which moved to Mz Kastel ETC after Lindsey AS Closed
  • 1836th EIS!! Dec 73 to Dec 75. Highest paid Sgt in the AF. TDY on per diem 687 days in two times of my life. Nearly every country in Europe, Morrocco, Turkey, Saudi, Pakistan, Iran, Libya, and India and Augmentee to sister squadron in Thailand..Roomie Randy Salmons was also in my flight in basic. We tore it up.
  • I was stationed at Wiesbaden Air Base 77-80 as a Reg Army MP but Lindsey had the best breakfasts ever!!
  • I was at Lindsay 1966 to 1969 . 20 3rd comm sq.
  • Chris (guest) I was stationed at the Hospital from 1982-1984. I was billeted at Lindsay for the first six months I was there.
  • I was stationed at the Hospital in Weisbaden from 1982 - 1984. I was billeted at Lindsay the first 3 months I was there.
  • I was stationed at camp lindsey as we were on an airforce installation we were the us army 12 th CAG combat aviation group i was there jan 1980 until sep 1981 my ETS was sep 1981
  • I was stationed there, 1st combat com. 1990-1991. TSgt/MSgt Darald Rosen HVAC
  • I was stationed at L.A.S. from 1983-1985 2063rd C.S. - Telephone Installation & Repair Tech
  • Upon transfer from Plei-Ku Air Base in Viet-Nam, I arrived at Lindsey Air Station in December 1969. I spent about a year at Lindsey before being transferred to Rhein-Main Air Base in Frankfurt.
  • My dad also from 1970-1974, TSGT Larry Martin. My youngest sister was also born there in Sept. 1970.
  • I was an instructor with the USAF Sentry Dog School also when a Sgt Walker changed to the Patrol Dog Program our kennels were at the Hindenburg Kaserne. which is where all the Security Police billeted. The facility was in Biebrich, Germany. Our training was at Lindsay Air Station. We also put on dog shows at many of the German Kennel clubs and two times at Tempelhoff (Berlin)
  • Hey Dudley, just found your post, this is Dan McClain, your old room mate. We shared with Ken and Frank.
  • I was an instructor with the USAF Dog School. Our Kennel's were at the Hindenberg Kaserne. We did our training at Lindsey Air Station. I am trying to find out how far and in what direction it is from Lindsey to Biebrich (Hindenburg Kaserne) My brother, his wife and daughter are in the Franfurt area and trying to find the school
  • I worked at Lindsey (civilian in the Directorate of Civilian Personnel) from 1968 - 1973. Taking a trip down memory lane this evening...looking for dates all of these people commenting entered their posts here. I lived in the Amelia Earhart Hotel. The experience was wonderful!! I returned 40 years later to visit old friends in Wiesbaden. They drove me through what was Lindsey. Wow! big differences.
  • I was stationed on Lindsey from Apr 87 - Oct 90 with the 7543rd Tac Elec Sq. Awesome assignment and had a blast. Been back there a few times and most recently in 2016....dorm is still on the right as you enter but bldg where I worked is now a playground.
  • I was stationed there 1983-1985 loved it .To sgt gibbs if your still with us thank you. hello Yvonne if your still around
  • Bill...I was stationed there Jan 68 - Dec 69 HqUSAFE Planning dept.
  • John, I was there Jan 68 - Dec 69. Hq USAFE Plans, worked for Gen Sweat. spent a lot of time at the Amelia hotel...and worked at the Rocker Club part time.
  • I was going to 3rd grade at Lindsay when you were born there.
  • My dad worked on Lindsay. SMSGT Floyd Pollard.....we left May 1971.
  • My dad was stationed there from 1970 to 74, SSGT Curtis Gibbs. I was born at Weisbadan Hospital in May 1971.
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