Fire Department Area (former U.S. Army - Hindenburg Barracks - closed in 1994) (Würzburg)

Germany / Bayern / Hochberg / Würzburg / Weißenburgstraße
 fire service, United States Army in Europe, closed / former military, historical layer / disappeared object

Originally a WWII German SS Base. It became a U.S. Base. The one Barracks building still standing at the left of the area was the HQ HHC 123rd Signal Battaion Troop Barracks. I lived in this building on the ground floor (NE Corner) for about four years. It seems that the rest of the buildings for the most part have been torn down. The cental grass/dirt area used to be all cobble stoned and was used as our motor pool parking area
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   49°47'53"N   9°54'12"E


  • I was there from 76 - 79. That one building remaining was my building back in the late 70's, and it was Charlie Company! I think it's great that what is remaining is a Fire fighter Training facility, because . . . I'm a fire fighter!
  • I was in Germany at Hindenburg Kaserne from 1960 thru 1962. I was in the motor pool and was part of HQ Company. I was extended for six months when the Berlin Wall went up. Was TDY to Hoenfels. Beautiful country.
  • I was in Germany at Hindenburg Kaserne 1954 1955. 1st Int. Div. 1st. Signal Co. The Div. Gyro. to Ft. Riley Ka. and 10th. Div. came to Germany. Div. Hdq. was across the river at Emery Barracks.
  • Sorry 123th SIGBN Battalion
  • I was with the 1st signal company, 1st ID from 1953-1955. Roomed with sgt Papas and sgt Carrol and also with sgt Nasty Odwyer. Anyone around at that time. I had a signal truck assigned to me loaded with old WW2 transmitters and receivers.
  • I was in B Co. 123rd as a gen mech/X.O. driver from 1988-1991. Great place to be for 3+ years.
  • I was stationed there from Jun 1983 to Jun 1986. I was in HHC 123 Sig Bn (Voice of the Marne). I was the training NCO for the Battalion. I remember the Bombed out building right next to the front gate. My Battalion Commander was Lt Col John P Gramachoni (I sure I misspelled that). I really enjoyed it there.
  • was there 1975 - 77 Bravo company 123rd. what a party.
  • Assigned as a section chief in D co 123rd in 1990. Transferred over from 3/35 FA in Peden Barracks, Wertheim, before they deactivated the 8 in Howitzers. Lived in Hundheim and drove the 60 km each way for the first couple of weeks, then ended up living out of the bombed out building from Monday to Friday, then drove home for the weekends. Hard to believe it still had working showers, toilet in that old SS barracks. The bombed out building was originally had two levels until it became the bombed out building, leaving one level and rebuilding the roof.
  • Stationed there from 87-89.
  • Arlene - this is Ben Pinx. I would like to reconnect with you and Robert.
  • that's charlie company barracks still standing...HQ barracks was the building that was at the other end across from the bombed out building...i was with company A first platoon wire section back in the 70s
  • T.G. is correct. I lived in the HQ barracks first floor was for women. I was there Jan 77 through April 78. I was in Charlie company as a 31 M. Does anyone know how to reconnect with some of the others during this era?
  • I was stationed there from '88 - '91. Shortly after I left it was closed down. Some of the best times of my life were spent there. A lot of stories. Brad Williams. Bravo company!!!
  • I was stationed there from '86 - '89, Bravo Co. I lived on the 1st floor above the C.Q. station, common area & tops office. Much different then than now. It has really moved forward.
  • I was there from 86-88, B Co. First Building behind the bombed out building.
  • Sfc Stephen Pounds Stationed there from 1988-1992. A Company. Great memories
  • Arlene, were you in Co C 123rd @ 1987-88? If so I was the 1SG, could you email me at Thanks Ralph Wainright
  • I was there from 1971 to 1973 C co Hell any more I have a hard time remembering any names Sullivan Wise Sfc Rhodes and I think the 1 sgt name was O hell I for got Sgt Hughes and a few more. My name is Tom Pennington.
  • You were there way before me, I was there 86-89, HHC, then Co C, and HHC. Not sure if your on facebook, but they are planning a reunion in Savannah GA, August 1st 2015. They have not mentioned Hotels yet but should be out soon.
  • Hi Tom , did you drive a dodge dart maybe? I was there in 1971-72 Co C, 123rd Sig Bn, 3rd id with Sgt Danny Robinson, Sgt Charles Stacey, our SSgt was Smith drove a BMW.. was you a repair technician?
  • Hey Tom Pennington, do you remember Danny Robinson, Chuck Stacey, Gilberto Serrano, Chuck Hysell, Perrin, and Walter Denney.
  • Wainwright? Like in charge of C company?
  • Yes that was me, I was in Co C from 87-88, The Commander was CPT Laurie Redmond.
  • Was there with DSB 6/52 in 83-84 We had second floor and small compound across the street from you guys for Hawk Support
  • Was in the 6/52 from 79-81 there.
  • Robert Cantu DSB 6/52 84-84.
  • I was here with 6/52 DSB and 569th ord. From 84-86, second floor with the 123rd. I really enjoyed my time there.
  • You must of got there as I was leaving. Co B 123rd Signal Battalion from 84-86.I spent many nights pulling guard duty and we slept that bombed out was it cold!
  • meant to quote David from above
  • 569th was right outside of the Hidenburg Kaserne --- I was there 1988-1990 - but we lived in Emery Barracks.
  • I was there from 11 22 73 to 3 21 75,my knickname was Freakmaster cause i rubbed steel wool on my face and got a shaving profile for at least a year,I was a white guy with a full beard!Man the things i went through with that profile!We sure liked to party at Hinderburg!
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This article was last modified 9 years ago