Sentra Percetakan, Setting, Desain Grafis dan Pengetikan serta Penterjemahan Dokumen Penting (DKI Jakarta)

Indonesia / Jakarta / DKI Jakarta / Jl Pramuka Kav I Ujung Blok A
 toko, copy / percetakan

In 1999, this place was like a black market for full service of printing, setting and graphic design for any kind document which can be made. Then this area was famous in South East Asia as a central of falsification of documents.

But in 2007 up to now after the government institution involved in the falsification eradication program, the criminal acts has been reduced. This is caused by the aid of a non-governmental organizations in collaboration with relevant government agencies.

The non-governmental organization is Perkumpulan Pemuda Matraman (Matraman Youth Association). Now this NGO has 250 member. This organization stands alone in terms of funding, but still open for funding assistance from the foreign party

For complete reference please visit the official website
Or for further information please contact person (021)391.9476 - 3190.2144 - 0816.142.3496
Kota terdekat:
Koordinat:   6°11'56"S   106°51'13"E
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