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Shrine of Sons of Muslim bin Aqeel (AS) (مرقد اولاد مسلم )

Iraq / Babil / al-Musayyib /
 tomb(s), mausoleum, mosque, shrine, Rauza

Rauza of Hazrat Muhammad (A.S.) and Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S.), {Sons of Hazrat Muslim (A.S.) bin Hazrat Aqeel (A.S.)}

Hazrat Muhammad (A.S.) and Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S.) were the sons of Hazrat Muslim (A.S.) and Bibi Saiyyada Ruqayyah (S.A.) {Daughter of Imam Hazrat Ali (A.S.) and Bibi Fatima (S.A.) bint Hizam, commonly known as “Bibi Umm-ul-Banin (S.A.)” (Mother of several sons)}. After Hazrat Muslim (A.S.) was martyred, Hazrat Muhammad (A.S.) and Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S.) were also arrested and put into a dungeon. Hazrat Muhammad (A.S.) was eight years old and Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S.) was just seven years old.

The two innocent children were killed brutally near the river of Euphrates on 14th of Zil-Hijja, 60 A.H. (15th September, 680 A.D.) and are buried near the town of Musayyib, Babil Province, Iraq.
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   32°47'7"N   44°18'46"E


  • النجف الاشرف مثنى النعيمي (guest)
    السلام على اهل بيت النبي محمد صلى الله عليهم جميعا السلام على اولاد سفير الامام الحسين مسلم ابن عقيل ورحمة الله وبركاته ((لعن الله اعداء النبي محمد صلى الله عليه واله وسلم واعداء اهل بيته ولعن الله النواصب (((مثنى النعيمي النجف الاشرف(((
  • النجف الاشرف مثنى النعيمي (guest)
    شكرا الى الاخ موضح مكان المرقد السيدين المظلوميين من بيت النبي محمد صلى الله عليه واله وسلم
This article was last modified 3 years ago