Lopasnja's mouth

Russia / Moskovskaja Oblast / Stupino /
 water, river mouth

According to a number of researchers the rests of Old Russian Lopasni.
Lopasnja - an Old Russian city in the earth viatichey, on the right coast of the river of Oka, against a river Lopasni mouth. Lopasnja for the first time it is mentioned in Ipatevsky annals (1176) as possession of Chernigov prince Oleg Svjatoslavicha. In this place Oka was border between Suzdal and Chernigov possession. Lopasnja and in the will of the grand duke of the Vladimir and Moscow Ivan of I Danilovicha Kality is mentioned. (1382) Dmitry Ivanovicha Donskogo's contractual reading and writing and the grand duke the Ryazan Oleg Ivanovicha Lopasnja affirmed behind the Ryazan princedom. In the same year the city has been destroyed at invasion of khan Tohtamysha to Moscow then, probably, already more it was not restored.
After there there was a country churchyard the Site of ancient settlement, and then a monastery for the sake of sacred Nikolay Chudotvortsa , there was from the XVII-th century beginning, completely a wooden. To the beginning of the XX-th century from four churches has remained only two. And only one Pjatnitsky, erected in 1677 in days of collectivisation has been transported in Zhernovku for Club construction.

Earthen shaft and ditches have remained. In a Soviet period here there was a camp site.
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Coordinates:   54°50'34"N   37°51'15"E
This article was last modified 13 years ago