217th Airborne Regiment (Ivanovo) (Ivanovo)

Russia / Ivanovo / Novo-Talitsy, Novotalitsy / Ivanovo / ulitsa Krasnykh Zor
 military, regiment

217th Guards Order of Kutuzov III Degrees Parachute Regiment .
98th Guards Airborne Svirskaya Red Banner Order of Kutuzov 2nd degree Airborne Division
217 Guards Order of Kutuzov III degree Parachute Regiment (V / h 62295 , Ivanovo, ul. Red Dawn , d 61)
20 years ago, the grounds and buildings owned by the school of engineering troops (V / h 58116 )
History Guards Svir connection begins in the midst of battles of the Great Patriotic War. At this time, based on individual Guards air - landing crews and the compound was formed .
Command- political and privates was picked up from military students , sailors of the Pacific Fleet , the Amur Flotilla and cadets training units .
Almost all soldiers and sergeants passed a six-month training program for air - landing troops and had a 8-10 training jumps from aircraft LI-2 , TB-3 and balloons . 95% of personnel were Communists and Komsomol .
After forming the reinforced combat training began . Classes were held in the field for 12-14 hours . Particular attention was paid to commit forced marches , forced marches (25-50 kilometers).
Plenty of time was devoted to learning skills of active exploration , crossing water obstacles and actions in forested mountainous terrain , composed of subversive groups , as well as interactions with tanks and artillery .
With the aim of coming as close to combat conditions practiced shooting over the heads of his troops and the spaces between them, the personnel of the " run-in" tanks. Only for the initial period of combat training was conducted 3 battalion and regimental 1 live-fire exercises .
Major discipline in conjunction considered airborne training that tempers will , developed courage , perseverance in overcoming difficulties . The whole process of training and education paratroopers was aimed at training personnel to conduct combat operations in the enemy rear .
May 3, 1944 in Dmitrov commander of the Moscow Military District commander handed compound Guards Colonel VINDUSHEVU KM Banner Guards , and in early June 1944 in connection with its full complement was aimed at the Karelian Front to participate in an offensive operation conducted seven separate army .
21 - June 24, 1944 . Svir - Petrozavodsk amphibious operation .
Svir - Petrozavodsk amphibious operation 98 and 99 Guards Airborne Division received the mission - to force the river Svir and seize bridgeheads on the other side . Enemy three years was mounted on the right bank of the Svir . Before Guards paratroopers had the task - to force the river to break through defenses and destroy the band .
300 commander of the Guards Parachute Regiment Guard Colonel Danilov MO it was decided during the artillery barrage on the river to throw a false landing , and focus attention on his artillery and mortar batteries , which survived the artillery barrage , detect and destroy them with artillery and aviation.
June 21, 1944 at 8:00 in the sky over Svir appeared Soviet aircraft that hit the fortified thousands of shells and bombs . 8.40 In 1600 a volley guns and mortars , rocket " Katyusha " barrage began , which lasted three and a half hours .
Under its cover, 12 brave paratroopers ( Komsomol : UNOSOM Tikhonov , Paul, publicans , Zazhigina , Popov , Panko MARKELOV , BARYSHEV , Bekbosunov baby, Nemchik ) began forcing demonstration Svir .
The Nazis did not immediately notice that the crossing began . Enemy began to conduct small-arms fire on the paratroopers with gun emplacements , which survived when they reached the middle of the river .
Around 12 brave souls who pushed ahead with models rafts soldiers , guns, bullets were flying , water boiled with exploding shells and mines . Enemy believed to start forcing the Svir main forces , began working artillery and mortar batteries , which were in shelters.
Soviet artillery barrage fired suppressed remnants of the enemy than opened the way for an attack our troops. During the onset of the compound boosted water boundaries rivers : Svir Inema , Megrega , Tyapotka , Vidlitsa , and others, was fought 236 kilometers heavily fortified enemy positions .
Supreme Commander of the Order № * 174 from July 2, 1944 the formations and units that have distinguished themselves in the battles against the Nazi invaders in crossing the river Svir and breakthrough heavily fortified enemy positions , given the honorary title " Svirsky "
Presidium of the Supreme Soviet on July 21, 1944 1 officer , 7 and 9 of the Red Army sergeants awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union .
In the period from March 17, 1945, captured the heavily fortified area Madyaralmash until the end of March 18, 1945 , the city and Guttamashi Bograchev . In the future, the division liberated from the German invaders cities Varpolota , Veszprem, Devecser , Sarvar (Hungary), Part 2 smashed Panzer Hungarians, 3 SS Panzer Division " Adolf Hitler" .
March 30, 1945 , breaking through the fortified frontier of the Austro -Hungarian border , was captured Rehnitts . Until the end of April 25, 1945 after heavy fighting in the mountains and forests , the captured city and Voldeg Tulberg . At 17.00 May 10, 1945 the division joined with American troops on the river near the town Vitva Strokovitsa (Czechoslovakia).
April 26, 1945 for exemplary tasks command in the battles against the Nazi invaders during the capture of cities and Dad Devecser and displaying heroism and courage of the division was awarded the Order of the Red Banner .
For exemplary performance of tasks of the Soviet Command in 1944-1945 . Division received seven votes from the Supreme Commander of the Red Army. September 25, 1948 in the village Galenki Molostovskii region of Primorsky Krai , deputy regiment commander Lt. Col. TIRVA OV formation of the military unit 11389 - 217 Guards Airborne Regiment .
Part formed on the basis of the 2nd Guards Parachute Battalion 296 Parachute Guards Order of Kutuzov III - raising Regiment 263 Guards Airborne Division of the Red Svir .
Personnel of this battalion in WWII showed heroism, courage and fighting skill , stood to death in the most decisive battles of the Great Patriotic War.
1st October 1948 217 Parachute finished the formation and issued an order number 1. This day was celebrated as the Day of the .
Regiment became part of the 13th Airborne Order of Kutuzov Division II power , the 37th Guards Svir Airborne Corps .
20th February 1948 the regiment was handed Guards Red Banner . In peacetime, the Paratroopers Regiment perfected their fighting qualities in the annual exercise .
In 1965, for tactical exercises with practical landing personnel on the island of Sakhalin , the regiment received the thanks of the USSR Defense Ministry .
Commanded a regiment Major MARKELOV Gennady .
February 22, 1968 decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR , for the considerable merit, demonstrated during the defense of the country , successes in combat and political training , the division was awarded the Order of Kutuzov 2nd degree .
From July 25 to August 11, 1969 part of the connection to the city relocated Bolhrad . With the advent of new technology continues improving training. For teaching " South- 7" and "Desna- 7" Order of the USSR Ministry of Defense personnel declared a gratitude.
And in 1973, when mass ejection was performed on BM ORS , among other pieces were 217 soldiers of the regiment : Guards . Sergeant SNICHENKO nition . Corporal boiler. For military skill and courage in an experimental desantirovanii these servicemen Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR were awarded the Order " Red Star " .
Well as members of the regiment took part in the exercise " Shield -82" in Bulgaria , for which one of the first regiment in the Airborne was awarded second pennant USSR Ministry of Defense " for courage and military prowess ." Then, the regiment took part in the exercises "Soyuz- 84" . Homeland appreciated achievements and successes of paratroopers .
Personnel had been received :
orders " Red Banner " - 16 people ;
Orders of " Red Star " - 164 people ;
Orders " For personal courage " - 53 ( 48 posthumously) ;
medal "For Courage" - 6 people ;
medals " For military valor " - 253 people ;
medals " For Military Merit " - 309 people . Most vividly morale qualities came during the tenure of the Guards paratroopers in the country of Afghanistan. School of courage and heroism during the period from 1979 to 1989 have been 119 officers and warrant officers of the regiment.
Together with the tasks of combat and political training 217 Guards Airborne Regiment served in the territory government job Armenia and Azerbaijan SSR.
In the period from 23 March 1988 to 16 March 1990 the regiment spent in the Caucasus region of 174 days :
from March 23 to March 29, 1988 - Oktembryan , Armenian SSR ;
from June 21 to August 2, 1988 - Stepanakert ;
from September 21 to November 16, 1988 - Yerevan ;
from May 24 to August 25, 1988 - Yerevan ;
from October 3 to October 18, 1989 and January 16, 1990 to March 16, 1990 - Baku.
In 1990 the 217 Guards Airborne Regiment was awarded third pennant Minister of Defense of the USSR " For courage and military prowess ."
Following the collapse of the USSR was divided 98 Guards Airborne Division and 217 Guards Airborne Regiment between Ukraine and Russia .
In the period from April 23 to May 3, 1993 217 Guards Airborne Svirsky Order of Kutuzov III degree regiment comprising 98 Guards Airborne Division departed in Ivanovo Russian Federation.
55% of material resources , the battle flag and the Order of Kutuzov III - power transferred to the 217 Guards Airborne Regiment .
Wikipedia article: ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/98-я_гвардейская_воздушно-десантная_дивизия
Nearby cities: Vladimir , Kostroma , Yaroslavl
Coordinates: 57 ° 0'5 "N 40 ° 55'12" E

217 Guards , Order of Kutuzov 3rd degree , the Parachute Regiment !
3 years ago | reply
Roman Zori (guest)
Guys who have 86-88 year odzovites service for 25 years as part of the left and the score so inepoluchaetsya . Sergeant Zori Ukraine
2 years ago | reply
prod hunter (guest)
no one else I was with Batya
2 years ago | reply
Matveev Vladimir Aleksandrov (guest)
I served 1970 1972 he 1rst MDB , gv.starshy sergeant zam.kom.1 First Platoon svyazi.Imeyu 20 jumps , 17 of them with the radio station R- 105D . Battalion was gv.mayor Kochetov Sergei Ivanovich , gold man, a real officer and commander , was like a father to us then still patsanov.Bolgradskie steppe steppe still in memory - how we ran them not " tactics " . Over 2 years of service twice saw our legendary commander - V.Margelova , we had in Bolhrad the exercise, while we were preparing for " South- 72 ", " war " in the Crimea near Kerch . After demobilization I dreamed of 15 years my battalion and all that was, even the smell of rifle grease felt . Sorry for the time you will not return back . Respond, who served at one time with me .
2 years ago | reply
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Coordinates:   57°0'5"N   40°55'9"E
This article was last modified 11 years ago