Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute

Russia / Murmansk / Kirovsk / ул. Ботанический Сад
 research, botanical garden

Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute (PABSI) is one of 11 institutions (structural units), Kola Science Center - one of the oldest institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the Kola Peninsula.
PABSI is the most northerly (67 ° 38 'N) botanical garden in Russia, and one of three botanical gardens of peace, located in the Arctic Circle.

PABSI was founded in 1931 to draft the Soviet Botany - Professor NA Avrorin.
August 26, 1931 at a meeting of heads of field units Kola expedition, led by Academician AE Fersman, it was decided to organize a botanical garden in Khibiny mountains. It covers an area of 1670 hectares.

The garden works on the acclimatization of plants, studying the flora and plant communities of the North. Of the many different parts of the country's workers brought the garden seeds and living plants, not all plant species were able lived in the North, and those that were able to grow and develop, are collector's Fund Polar garden.

Dozens of species of ornamental plants, beautify the city of Murmansk region, derive from the activities of the introduced botanical garden.

In addition to the park, in the garden there is a protected area. This garden-park: an area of 1250 hectares of preserved natural vegetation of all high-altitude zones Khibiny Gore. In the garden there are also special nurseries of local flora. Here you can see over 400 species of plants growing in the area. These trees, bushes, sprawling kustarnichki, species confined to sea coasts, tundra species, species that grow in swamps.
Each year, the garden takes many thousands of tourists.
Here you can get acquainted with the flora of different countries, with the peculiarities of their growth and development in an environment where every day of summer frost and snow are possible. In nurseries, greenhouses and the special exhibition collection funds of plants ( "Garden of snowdrops," "Rocky Garden," "Living herbarium).
Visitors to the garden, coming from the other, even the most remote regions of Russia or other countries meeting here the plants growing in their homeland.

Botanical Garden offers visitors a number of excursions: in tropical greenhouses, "The introduction of plants and greening the cities of Murmansk region", "Eco-trail, or trail geographers, which shows the altitudinal zonation of vegetation Khibiny Gore.

PABSI conducts studies of plant and soil resources, the adaptation of plants to harsh conditions, as well as the development of scientific bases for the rational use and conservation of plants in the northern latitudes. In addition, the solution to the problems of introduction and conservation of rare species of green building, protecting plants from pests and diseases.
At present the total staff PABSI is 125 people, of which 1 Cor. Russian Academy of Sciences, 8 PhDs, 19 PhD, 9 graduate students. 11 research groups are united in 5 major laboratories
www.pabgi.ru / index.html
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Coordinates:   67°38'48"N   33°38'51"E
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This article was last modified 2 months ago