Test site airships "Wolski" of Flight test center named V.P. Chkalov | military, aviation, scientific research institute / centre

Russia / Saratov / Sennoy /
 military, aviation, scientific research institute / centre

CI Wolski, aeronautic Research and Experimental Research Center of the Air Force (Air Force VNIITS), 13th Air Force VNIC

Aeronautic center having a free and tethered aerostatic systems, pneumatic installations for military purposes.

History Center refers to the period of confrontation of two world systems, and its formation was the response of our country to the progressive development of military aeronautics abroad in 50 years of last century.
The era of airships in the Council of ended right after the Second World War. Latest «air ship» took off in 1946.
American specialists immediately after the war, summed up the Japanese experience, created their own balloons and airships, which during the cold war has massively applied against the Soviet Union with intelligence and provocative purposes. Stood armed with MiG-17 and MIG-19 to destroy them technically could not.
Therefore, the leadership of the USSR, it was decided to establish a national infrastructure of military aeronautics, the main focus of which was to be the equipment of the Armed Forces of aeronautic technology. To achieve this, cooperation has been established, which included leading industry, size, and high schools НИУ USSR Ministry of Defense.

As a test institution Defense July 15, 1957 to fund the 2 nd military aviation mechanics school, located in the Saratov region Wolski, was formed aeronautic Research and Experimental Research Center of the Air Force (Air Force VNIITS).
Wolski was selected location because it is on the 52 th degree of latitude. It is this line crosses the territory of the USSR in the widest part. Test drove into the building Diocesan College, where before the revolution were preparing for the future wives of the clergy.

Thanks to the experience, enthusiasm and energy of a new generation balloonist by the end of 1957 was the first domestic auto spiel free balloon AH-1. The first generation of new aeronautical technology, which was established in the 1958-1961 biennium. Include training manned balloon TA, balloon - producer of passive interference ABR, combat air balloons near and distant action Bab-325 and BAS-3500, balloon-meteorazvedchik LL-1 , high-altitude balloon-VA laboratory previously established captive balloon DAG-2, AN-800 and AZ-55, aerostatnye ammunition starting device CCD-1, AF SD, PSO and the FNL.
Simultaneously with the tests is being matters aeronautic military use technology. One of them was the experimental verification of the efficiency of production of passive interference group automatic balloon in a given area. This work was carried out in conjunction with the Center for military use Air Force and ended the participation of the Center in a joint air defense and Air Force doctrine, the dynamics of which is being front-line methods to counter anti-aircraft missiles.

In April 1961, left the USSR Council of Ministers, which commits the industry to begin to develop a second generation of aeronautic engineering. Ordinance provided for the creation of conditions for the test. Have been greatly expanded boundaries of the test routes: to the east - up to 120 degrees. into. e., in the north - up to 60 degrees. with. Rd., in the west and south - to the state border of USSR. In addition, free auto balloons are able to land on the territory of the Mongolian People's Republic, were additional items tracking and control the balloon, formed a branch of the Air Force VNIITS dislocation at Steppe Chita Oblast and aeronautical station affiliate in Ulan Bator.

Since the mid 1960-ies. began intensive testing of aeronautical engineering the second generation as the basis VNIITS Air Force (from 23.10.1965 y. - 13th VNIC Air Force), and based on its branch. During this period, have been tested and accepted by the Air Force: free automatic stratospheric balloon - media attack weapons, electronic warfare and agitmaterialov EN-C; altitude balloon vehicle EN-C; balloon-fotorazvedchik AF-3B, can fly to the goal at the same height and return to the other on the principle of a boomerang; Balloons trasszondy-AT-C and AT-B; balloon meteorological exploration LL-2; stratospheric balloon laboratory VAL-120; high-altitude balloon-agitmaterialov media AG-6 and others, as well as ground of these balloons.
In the same period to establish effective aerostatnye ORDNANCE. They pass all tests and adopt.

For full-scale tests of stratospheric balloons in July 1970 has been further expanded the test flight area. Now it includes almost the entire territory of the Soviet Union and Mongolia, as well as the waters of the Arctic Ocean from the Franz Josef Land - Northern Land - Island Gerold - Cape Dezhneva and waters to the Pacific in 1800. e. Branch 13th VNIC from the village of Steppe Chita region was relocated to Point Keys Kamchatka region, and the 262 th separate aeronautical division of Volskaya - in Nikolaevsk-on-Amur.
Between 1975 and 1977 were formed aeronautic parts of the four military districts. The Center is actively involved in the training of personnel of aeronautic parts, at its base, and in their places of deployment.

In the early 1980's the Center completed state testing and adoption of third generation Air Force aeronautical engineering: Balloons-media en-C1 AN-V1B; Balloons-repeater communications bittern-AM and AM-bittern; mobile gazozapravschik NBPs - 2500; vodoroddobyvayuschie installation of WU-500 and PVDU-1M; compressor AHC-320; starting device CCD and CCD-2K-3, a mobile cryogenic installation PKU.
In the mid 1980's. jointly with industry, held extensive work to improve the automatic start of free balloons. In the same period has passed state tests universal starting device CCD-5, allowing for starts of all types of automatic free balloons, together with the Military Academy of Communications. SM Budennogo and other enterprises and institutions, pilot testing of repeater communication.

Since its inception, the Center completed a large number of tasks for the preliminary (plant) tests as well as experimental works in conjunction with various organizations in the interest of the country as the Ministry of Defense, and industry, basic and applied science. The vast majority of these tasks performed in isolation from the main base in the areas of polygons Baikonur, Sary-Shagan, Lake Balkhash, in the areas of municipal, Akhtubinsk Kamchatka and the relocation there of test teams, supplies and equipment.
During this period, the Center has experienced stratospheric balloon-lab VAL ILL-120, intended for scientific experiments in upper atmosphere. At its base, together with scientists from France, was worked by parachute system for descent of spacecraft to Mars. In the 90 years the Center has participated in the project "Termoplan" in tests on the use of captive aerostatnogo complex Sherstyak for training paratroopers.
The balloons tested Volsky center, makes equipment for the Arctic Circle the Leningrad Physical-Technical Institute of Joffe. Then they were discovered antiparticles in cosmic rays. In addition to its Defense Balloons are experienced Academy of Sciences and departmental scientific research institutes: the Yerevan Institute of Physics and Technology, Kazakh State, the Moscow Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, etc.
The balloons bring in parts. They gather, conduct ground tests: Experiencing cold, pressure, humidity, hit, rush. Then - fly over the airfield. As a working platform - all of Russia: from Kaliningrad to Kamchatka. Visiting team is sent to any location within the country, runs the unit. It was a satellite communication system. Since it tracks the balloon flight and sit in Wolski.

The process of disintegration of the Soviet Union and the impact on the military aeronautics: stop mass production of aeronautic technology, many of ROC and the NCI.
In early 1999, aeronautic testing center was disbanded in early 2000 reinstated, but with the least possible number of troops and civilian personnel. The main objective was the preservation of vital structures of the laboratory-testing framework, maintenance and conservation of aeronautic technology coming from the disbanded aeronautic parts. But at the same time, despite the reduction in troop strength, specialists master heat and gas balloons, performing on manned missions continue to work on aeronautical testing facilities, carry out official testing aerostatnogo mobile securing complex Mezhbrove, special tests of experimental samples aerostatnoy of the barrier (of protection), government field testing of gas distribution complex PGK-2, the public test maintenance sample NBPs-2500, and spend the methodology for the application of aeronautic technology and participate in experiments on the realization of them in carrying out works at the Russian Defense Ministry GLITS to test advanced aircraft means of weapons.
During this period, accompanied by R & D Center "Progress" to develop future-oriented complex of onboard equipment control free automatic car, NCI "Syringe-C" - to create aerostatnoy of exploration equipment.

Since 1995, the Center addresses the problem of economic conversion: sell anyone oxygen incidentally is based on the local factory to manufacture hydrogen for balloons. And to take the test aeronautic vehicles from private firms. So Volski center became one of the few military installations in Russia, who themselves earn a living.
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Coordinates:   52°3'34"N   47°3'56"E
This article was last modified 10 years ago