Стена памяти жертв политических репрессий (Ryazan)

Russia / Rjazan / Ryazan / Старообрядческий пр.
 monument, memorial plaque

Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   54°36'39"N   39°45'6"E


  • In the territory covered in the 30 years the authorities of Old Believer Church (directly behind the cemetery area Skorbyaschinskogo city of Ryazan) were living in family members of the Ryazan NKVD and here secretly buried the body of the executed "enemies" in the 1937-1938 year. Moreover, there is evidence to hold themselves executions in the Old Rite Church, whose priests were among the first victims of the bloody Bolshevik "harvest". On the wall above the place a secret burial Ryazan Society Memorial mounted a memorial marble plaque: "This should not happen again!" In a mass grave behind the wall, lie the remains of victims of political repression 30 - years in Ryazan. "
This article was last modified 10 years ago