Bethuadahari Wildlife Sanctuary (Bethuadahari)

India / Bangla / Muragachha / Bethuadahari / নদীয়া
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Bethuadahari Wildlife Sanctuary is situated in the Nadia District. Bethuadahari is a charming locale, situated about 28 km from Krishnanagar, in Nadia District of West Bengal. National Highway 34 passes through Bethuadahari.
Major point of attraction here is the Bethuadahari Wildlife Sanctuary and the natural park. The park, spread over 165 acre, is mostly inhabited by various varieties of deer.

Bethuadahari can be reached by Lalgola-Sealdah Passenger or Bhagirathi Express from Sealdah, West Bengal has a large population of Spotted deer, Jackal, Bengal fox, Porcupine, Common Langur. Other species includes Parakeets, Indian Cuckoo, Barbets and other smaller birds and pythons.
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Coordinates:   23°34'54"N   88°24'9"E


  • Hi my name is JASIM aLI sK,My Dt-27/10/1989,Addrs-71,Kanthalberia,ShamultalaMore,Bethuadahari,Nadia-741126 Mo-9232942425,Call me for friendship.Thank you,I love my town Bethuadahari.
  • Hi my name is Amit das,My Dt-08/12/1988,Addrs-Debegram kaliganj More,Bethuadahari,Nadia-741137 Thank you,I love my town Bethuadahari
This article was last modified 12 years ago