Pelabuhan Aspal Buton (Pasarwajo)

Indonesia / Sulawesi Tenggara / Bau Bau / Pasarwajo
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This is the location for processing and shipping of the natural bitumen asphalt so called Aspal Buton (Buton Asphalt). Since 1920, it has been exploited. At the time, Indonesia did not exist yet. It was under teritory of Sultanate of Wolio, Buton. The natural asphalts were shipped from this natural port. Since 1936 the asphalt was directly exported from this port. Unfortunately, since 1988, the company that exploits the natural asphalt collapsed because number of demand decreased drastically as the Indonesian government started to import the synthetic asphalt. The company decided to terminate the employment status of about 90% of them.
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   5°30'49"S   122°50'37"E
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  •  1175 km
This article was last modified 16 years ago