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India / Bihar / Shivhar /

Jihuli is one of the villages in Patahi Block in Purbi Champaran district of Bihar. The total population of the village is 9328 . The literacy rate is 38.26% . The female literacy rate is 31.03% . The male literacy rate is 44.75%. The number of households in Jihuli is 1,287. Female to male ratio of Jihuli is 91.85%. Female to male ratio of the village is less than state's female to male ratio 91.93%. It is unsatisfactory and the people should drive some campaign to improve this. The total working population is 36.66% of the total population. 60.44% of the men are working population . 10.14% of the women are working population. The main working population is 33.55% of the total population. 58.35% of the men are main working population . 5.89% of the women are main working population. While the marginal working population is 3.11% of the total population. 2.09% of the men are marginal working population. 4.25% of the women are marginal working population. The total non working population is 63.34% of the total population. 39.56% of the men are non working population. 89.86% of the women are non working population.
Jihuli is a Big village and has a high school,4 middle school and 14small gov school. It has Bus connectivity to district head quarter. Main Occupation of the village is farming.
By satyam singh
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   26°35'59"N   85°15'3"E


  • MANISH RAJ (guest)
  • satyamsingh22
    my lovely village..
  • sauravbhumihar
    nice village
This article was last modified 11 years ago