Candi Lor Angga DS

Indonesia / Jawa Timur / Nganjuk / Desa Candirejo
 temple, hindu temple, tourist attraction

In the Nganjuk, East Java, there is also a Candi Lor, and shapes in ruins, due to the tree that 'live' on top of the temple since 1866. Candi Lor believed to be the forerunner to the establishment of district Nganjuk and is celebrated every April 10 of each year. The inscriptions Anjuk Ladang, note that Mpu Sindok, the Mataram Hindu king who is called Sri Sri Maharaja Rakai Isyana Wikrama Dharmottunggadewa ordered Rakai Hinu Sahasra, Rakai Kanuruhan and Rakai Baliswara in the year 937 to build a sacred building called Srijayamerta as a sign of the determination area Anjuk Ladang (now called Nganjuk) as an autonomous area caused by the good services from Anjuk Ladang citizen during the battle.
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Coordinates:   7°38'16"S   111°53'31"E
This article was last modified 12 years ago