Reinhardshof (ehemalige Peden Barracks) | quarter (urban subdivision)

Germany / Baden-Wurttemberg / Wertheim /
 quarter (urban subdivision)  Add category

Der Stadtteil Reinhardshof als jüngster aller Stadtteile geht ursprünglich auf ein landwirtschaftliches Anwesen zurück. Im Zweiten Weltkrieg wurde das Areal als Flugplatz und Kasernenanlage der Deutschen Reichsluftwaffe vereinnahmt. Die Anlage diente nach Kriegsende zunächst als Lager für Kriegsgefangene und Zwangsarbeiter, später als Unterkunft für Vertriebene und Flüchtlinge. 40 Jahre lang war mit den Peden-Barracks eine Kaserne der US-Streitkräfte dort untergebracht. Nach deren Abzug 1992 entstand im Rahmen einer Konversion innerhalb kürzester Zeit die „Stadt auf der Höhe“.

Die ehemaligen Kasernengebäude wurden mit Unterstützung des Landes Baden-Württemberg in zeitgemäße, attraktive Wohneinheiten umfunktioniert. Das gesamte Areal wurde überplant, heute befinden sich dort zwei Einkaufsmärkte, Einzelhandels-, Dienstleistungs- und Industriebetriebe sowie eine Gastronomie und ein Kino. Die Versorgung der 960 Einwohner, die aktuell im Stadtteil Reinhardshof leben, ist damit bestens abgedeckt.

Die Grundschule mit ihren Sportanlagen und das Kommunale Kinderhaus mit flexiblen Betreuungsangeboten macht das Wohngebiet Reinhardshof besonders für junge Familien attraktiv. Das Seniorendomizil „Altera“ ergänzt das Angebot an Pflege- und Betreuungsplätzen für ganz Wertheim und Umgebung. Mit der Rotkreuzklinik, die im Stadtteil Reinhardshof neu gebaut wurde und Mitte 2016 ihren Betrieb aufgenommen hat, wurde der Stadtteil weiter aufgewertet.
An den Stadtteil Reinhardshof grenzt das Wohngebiet "Bestenheider Höhe". Es wurde Mitte der 90er Jahre erschlossen und bot damals vor allem russlanddeutschen Übersiedlern eine willkommene Möglichkeit, sich in Wertheim eigene vier Wände zu schaffen.
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Coordinates:   49°45'22"N   9°29'34"E


  • served at peden in 1969
  • I was stationed at Peden Barracks from November, 1970 to February, 1973. I was with the Artillery Survey unit with 3rd BN/35th Arty HHQ Battery and during that time our Battalion went to Graf for our bi-annual excercise for the Palmer trophy. During our off time we got ready for the annual GI inspection and when that was over we (the survey team) would team up in pairs and get a 3/4 ton truck and drive all over the country side looking for Trigonometric Markers (boundry stones). Except for pulling guard duty quite a bit my tour for almost 2 1/2 years was gravy. But there was a scare in 1970 becauase as most of you remember about the levies going on and personnel would get their levy and get shipped out to Vietnam. I to got a scare like that and our survey section was being levied and we worried and worried about that. But with the good Lord on our side none of us had to go. me and my wife had one child while over in Germany but sent my wife back home and our little girl was born in the Portsmouth Naval Hospital. The bill for prenatal all the way up to deliver and 2 days in hospital was $7.00. Amazing, huh?
  • Allan was there in 69 for 3 months. the only thing I remember was the eM club, and the photo lab in the uso club. the nickels for knowledge bites, and the motor pool. My co got piss drunk and caught pissing his pants one night. I saw him. ( 1st and 67th) forgot his name, but I got out of the shit because oif that in trade for my silence.
  • I was stationed there from 1977-1981... what a view
  • I was there from 5/1964 to 12/1966. Co A, 3rd Avn Bn and we had CH 34 helicopters.
  • I was there from 69-71 in svc. battry. 3/35 field artillery, it was a good time
  • Hello, I look for my father his name is/was Kevin O´connor. He was 1983 at Peden stationiert Pleas write me at e-mail:
  • i was there in D Btry 6/52 ADA, 16E20, Sept 1974 to July 1976 then to HHB 6/52 Emery Barracks, CDAC Advisory COL Highlien
  • I was stationed there in 82~84
  • I was stationed at Peden Barracks with Svc Btry, 3d How Bn, 35th Arty 1958-1960. Peden Barracks was named after Cpl Forrest E. Peden a recipient of the Medal of Honor for his heroism and ultimate sacrifice near Bieshein, France on February 3, 1945.
  • Question for Mario Troiani, "did you know a Ansel Kirk Powell from 1958-59?"
  • Dale Coleman Stationed at b29 radar barracks '81-'82
  • Richard porter I was stationed there in the 355 med co amb 1960 to 1963.
  • Richard porter I was stationed there in the 355 med co amb 1960 to 1963.
  • I was stationed there 1966-1968 B-Co 703rd Mt Battalion. We moved to kitzigen after about a year. Fixed wing and rotor wing mechanic . John Ahlman
  • Phil Williams Stationed there from March 66 to June 68 HQBtry, 3dBn, 35th Arty
  • Hi john. I was there too on the move to kitzingen.
  • I was there from 1966 till 1969 in the 655th transportation Det. II worked at the airport as a repair parts specialists would like to get in touch with anyone from the 655th or the 721 Signal Detachment..,
  • did you see the ohio state usc game?
  • I lived there from 1981 to 1983 then moved to Wiesbaden,I was just a kid my dad was stationed there his name was Joe bridges
  • I was stationed there with B Co. 703rd Mt Battalion. June 66 to May 67.I was in charge of the tool van that was parked in front of the maint bldg. Robert(JC)Johncox. Sgt Dobbs, John Baker, Terri Hale and Greg(R) are the guys I remember most. Feb.67 Terri, Greg R(?) and myself put in a 1049 to Vietnam. Maybe you remember me? ANYONE???
  • Jim Kern was there until sept 1969
  • I was there too at Co. B, from March 1964 thru December 1966 and also 1049'd to Viet Nam Dec 66. Spc Cosman was incharge of the Tool Van, but don't rember if you took his place. CPT Casey was CO. One other guy was there and ended up in my company in Viet Nam...Charlie Battery, 2nd Bn, 20th Aerial Rocket Artillery.
  • Phillip Hilton, I was at Peden Barracks from June 1970 until January 1972. If anyone reads this and was at Peden Barracks during these dates you can find me on Facebook as Gene Colonna
  • I was at peden 1968 and 1969 hq battery third of the thirty fifth f/arty special weapons section, contact me at
  • I was stationed at Peden Barracks from September 1971 to May 1973 at the 351st Aviation Company (Attack Helicopter), later re-organized as the 71st Aviation Company. We had Huey helicopters, it was a great place to be stationed with easy access to Wertheim and trains to Frankfurt and other parts of Germany.
  • I was there from Aug. 1955 to Aug. 1956....loved the Town...loved LUTZ BEIR from Kruse Wertheim .... and all My buddies from the 97th Ambulance Co...those were the days. Larry Hassell
  • I was at Peden Barracks in 1969. 6th. Bn. 517 Arty.
  • well hello James, I was in the 655th from Dec 67 till they deactivated the unit in 68 some time (at least I think they did) I was transferred to the 351st till I came down on orders for Viet Nam in late January 69. I left on the 2nd of Feb. 69 my email is:
  • Don Wood I was there from 70 to March72
  • I was stationed there in 1964, US Army 95th Medical co.
  • Donald I was there till Feb 1969 it had to close after that
  • Phil, I was in HQ Btry, 3rd Bn, 35th arty 1967-1968. Hope you are well.
  • Hello, I look for my father his name is/was Kevin O´connor. He was 1983 at Peden stationiert Pleas write me at e-mail:
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This article was last modified 7 years ago