Our Lady of Angels Chapel (EWTN) (Irondale, Alabama)

USA / Alabama / Irondale / Irondale, Alabama / Old Leeds Road, 5817
 church, Roman Catholic church

The TV Mass is recorded in this chapel. The priests who preside at Mass are from the Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word MFVA.

EWTN – Annunciation Friary – Located next to the Eternal Word Television Network in Irondale, Alabama. The Annunciation Friary enjoys a primacy over all other friaries since it is there where Mother Angelica established the first foundation and beginnings of our Fraternity. In order to promote and foster its vitality and to serve the apostolate of EWTN, the friars serve the network, its employees and the faithful.
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Coordinates:   33°31'59"N   86°40'31"W


  • This is the first time I watched Mass on TV. I normally attend St. Catherine's of Sienna Newman Center in Salt Lake City. My car broke down and have no way to attend Mass this morning. I found EWTN's Mass while I was going through the channels. This is great for those like myself that cannot attend because of car troubles and especially those that are too ill to attend in person. I know that there are many great things happening with EWTN and I hope that they continue. God Bless you all. A parishioner from Utah.
  • I love the mass on EWTN I am wheelchair bound and can not get to mass so I watch everyday I love it ,I feel like I an in the chapel with the congregation and am surly receiving a blessing daily. God bless all.
  • Recently I broke my ankle and was unable to drive while wearing a rather large boot cast. I discovered EWTN's Sunday and daily Mass and I was delighted to watch and participate in all aspects of Mass except the Holy Eucharist. I may not have received the sacramental grace from communion but I felt so awesome inside simply hearing the Mass-the gospel and the wonderful homilies. I was educated in High School by Franciscans in Boston. How wonderful it feels to be re-united with them in prayer and worship.
  • God bless you all. Que Dios os bendiga. Desde España. From Spain
  • Religion and rituals do NOT make you righteous in Gods eyes and His word clearly states that. Please read the King James Bible, you'll be very surprised to realize that Catholicism completely contradicts Gods word. And God is not in error, so who do you think is? I say this in love, in hopes that someone, even just one person can be freed from tha grips of ritualistic-man-made religion and find a Holy Spirit filled relationship with Jesus! Christianity is a RELATIONSHIP not a RELIGION.
  • Well, I'm glad you have it all figured out. Many of us have not reached your plane of having mastered God, and in our weakness need the ministry of our Priests and the fellowship of our congregation to understand the word of God. Only a very few have come to the conclusion that "Catholicism completely contradicts God's word."
  • You do realize that the Bible was given to us by the Catholic Church. After about 1,500 years the King of England decided to pull a few books from the Bible and stick his name on it. Now what do you suppose is in those chapters that a dictator didn't want his subjects to know about? Other than the King James Bible being lighter, what's left is the same. Maybe you should try reading the Catholic Bible so you will see that.
  • I listen and see carefully the daily Holy Mass... in the company of my wife... I want to tell you: the Chapel is immensely beautiful... gives me great peace... the daily message of Holy Mass... already know most of the Franciscans who officiate the mass... thank you... my name is Prim Mayora and Miriam Mayora...from Venezuela - South America... pray his blessings...!!!!!!... I will write more often... thanks
  • I enjoy tuning in to your Daily Mass when I can get reception on Luntha TV in Malawi. I would like to pay a tributes to your unnamed cantor, and particularly the organist, who provides such inspiring accompaniments to the hymns and tasteful interludes during the service. As an Anglican communicant I am puzzled as to why your congregation are only given the bread and not wine. Chris: cjingram45@gmail.com
  • Come to daily mass with us Zeek.
  • King Henry the VIII of England created the Church of England now commonly known as the Anglican Communion as he wished to divorce his current wife but was refused by the Pope. Henry had six wives - divorced - beheaded - died; divorced - beheaded - survived. King James did not change nor 'pulled' anything from the bible but merely translated into English from Latin so the word of God could be read by the masses. King James was hardly a dictator we, in the United Kingdom, have never been ruled by a dictator as King James, along with the present Queen although Head of State, was governed by Parliament who were elected.
  • I see and the listen the vwith my mother. Y live y patagonia argentina. So far away. Thank you for all.
  • I love your masses very much. Mostly the homilies have given me new perspectives and I have also been enlightened much. Let me say that your choir is wonderful, the best I have ever heard. The choral director and the canter are excellent. I know that all of Heaven is pleased. May Our Father, Jesus, The Holy Spirit and Our Blessed Mother bless all of you. Sharon L. Blau
  • What is the name of the Song the choir sang after communion celebrating st joseph as spouse and guardian
  • Please give details about the new Franciscan Cross hanging behind the Altar in the chapel. Is it in honour of Mother Angelican, donated in her name or just a new addition? It is beautiful
  • If you knew anything about the Church you would understand. Sadly Protestants view Catholics as needing salvations but in reality it is Protestants that need it. There is so much more to salvation than "just accepting Jesus as your Savior". Until you are ready to have a meaniful and respectable conversation with Catholics please leave and think about your attitude.
  • Beautiful and comforting. I'm recovering from chemo and radiation for tongue cancer. I cannot physically receive communion at this time for I am healing. My immune system is weak. I feel as I have receive the Eucharist through this mass. God Bless You All!!!
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This article was last modified 14 years ago