Orthodox church of the Tikhvin Icon of Our Lady (Moscow)

Russia / Moscow / Moscow / prospekt Mira, 26а
 Russian Orthodox Church, 17th century construction, object of cultural heritage of federal importance (Russia), Orthodox church

The Church of the Tikhvin Icon of Our Lady is one of many churches devoted to the Mother of God; the central icon is a highle revered copy of the "Theotokos of Tikhvin" (orthodoxwiki.org/Theotokos_of_Tikhvin, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theotokos_of_Tikhvin, one of Hodegetria type icons of Virgin Mary). It is located on Tserkovnaya Gorka (Church Hill) street, in the centre of former Alexeyevskoye village, now a district of Moscow near the VDNKh (V.V.C.). The village is known since mid-1300s, but the church was built only in 1673-80 as a part of one of the "midway palaces" of Tzar Alexis I (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexis_I_of_Russia), on the road to Trinity Lavra (Troitse-Sergieva Lavra, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troitse-Sergiyeva_Lavra). Thus, it is one of the Tzar's churches, and there are two prayer-booths inside, with personal stoves for heating, - one for the Tzar and one for Tzarina. The church was connected with a passage to a wooden palace, to a refectory and to a church of St.Alexius (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Alexius). The baroque iconostasis was created in the 18th century; in the refectory, a 19th century iconostasis with side-altars of St.Sergius of Radonezh, St.Nicholas of Myra, St.Alexius and Tryphon the Martyr. Wall frescoes made in 1836 by D.Scotti, and restored several times later. Since 19th century there's a small cemetery near the church. Several relics are kept in the church; amongthose, a copy of the Holy Sepulchre, several revered icons of Our Lady, and others.
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Coordinates:   55°49'5"N   37°38'39"E
This article was last modified 11 years ago