API box

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Box function returns array of places in the given rectangle boundary box.



Use this function by sending HTTP GET request to api.wikimapia.org. Response will content data in a given format (xml by default).



Argument Description Available values
format output format xml (default), kml, json, jsonp (+jsoncallback), binary
pack - none (default), gzip
key Wikimapia API key
language (optional) ISO 639-1 code, en is default (English)
category (optional) filter by category category id
page (optional) page number, bigger places will be on the first pages, 1 is default 1 or above
count (optional) places per page. 50 is default 1 to 100
options Comma-separated values. mercator - all coordinates will be in the Mercator format instead of the default format
disable Comma-separated values. Disables fields for xml, json(p) and binary formats. location, polygon

API box arguments

There are three ways to set borders of box area:

*bbox - 'lon_min,lat_min,lon_max,lat_max' &bbox=37.617188,55.677586,37.70507,55.7271128
*lon_min, lat_min, lon_max, lat_max &lon_min=37.617188&lat_min=55.677586&lon_max=37.70507&lat_max=55.7271128
*tile coordinates x, y, z (just like graphic map tiles from, use this feature for best caching results for your application, take a lower zoom!) &x=687&y=328&z=10


  • (lon_max - lon_min) * 10000000 must be greater than 12100
  • |(lon_max - lon_min) * (lat_max - lat_min)| * 10000000 must be less than 14641000000
  • 100 places per page is maximal (bigger values are simply ignored), so to fetch all places, you need to iterate thru pages.


Response may be in these formats: xml, json/jsonp, kml, binary


<code class="json">
   "version":"1.0", // {string} format version
   "language":"en", // {string} language ISO code
   "folder":[  // {array} places inside
         "id":"22139", // {int} place id 
         "name":"Golden Gate National Recreation Area: Land's End", // {string} place title
         "url":"http://wikimapia.org/22139/Golden_Gate_National_Recreation_Area", // {string} original url
         "location":{ // {object} location of the place
            "north":37.788878, // {float} north point of MBR
            "south":37.78681, // {float} south point of MBR
            "east":-122.494082, // {float} east point of MBR
            "west":-122.508352, // {float} east point of MBR
            "lon":-122.4997044, // {float} center longitude of MBR 
            "lat":37.7887088 // {float} center latitude of MBR
         "polygon":[ // {array} polygon
               "x":-122.5077081, // {float} longitude
               "y":37.7867756 // {float} latitude  
         "name":"Sunset Reservoir",


<code class="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<?access-control allow="*"?>
<folder language="en" version="1.0"> <!-- places folder, language and version -->
    <place id="22139"> <!-- place id -->
        <name>Golden Gate National Recreation Area: Land's End</name> <!-- palce title -->
        <url>http://wikimapia.org/22139/</url> <!-- original url -->
        <location> <!-- location -->
            <point x="-122.5077081" y="37.7867756"/> <!-- points of polygon x - longitude, y - latitude  -->
            <point x="-122.494082" y="37.78681"/>
            <point x="-122.4945974" y="37.7880983"/>
            <point x="-122.496593" y="37.7874539"/>
            <point x="-122.4973226" y="37.7875896"/>
            <point x="-122.4997044" y="37.7887088"/>
            <point x="-122.5002408" y="37.7885053"/>
            <point x="-122.5024295" y="37.788234"/>
            <point x="-122.5035238" y="37.7880305"/>
            <point x="-122.5060344" y="37.7882001"/>
            <point x="-122.5071502" y="37.7875048"/>
            <point x="-122.5071502" y="37.7875048"/>
            <point x="-122.5077081" y="37.7867756"/>
    <place id="37781">
        <name>Baker Beach</name>
            <point x="-122.4820018" y="37.7986622"/>
            <point x="-122.4839115" y="37.7941181"/>
            <point x="-122.4877954" y="37.7894889"/>
            <point x="-122.4870336" y="37.7893447"/>
            <point x="-122.4856389" y="37.7903452"/>
            <point x="-122.4852097" y="37.790235"/>
            <point x="-122.4847269" y="37.7896415"/>
            <point x="-122.4839437" y="37.7893956"/>
            <point x="-122.4842119" y="37.7877253"/>
            <point x="-122.4831498" y="37.7880983"/>
            <point x="-122.4822807" y="37.788853"/>
            <point x="-122.481916" y="37.7897517"/>
            <point x="-122.4804783" y="37.7939994"/>
            <point x="-122.4805534" y="37.7952287"/>
            <point x="-122.4798667" y="37.7957713"/>
            <point x="-122.4793732" y="37.7968395"/>
            <point x="-122.4792659" y="37.7974244"/>
            <point x="-122.4803495" y="37.7978822"/>
            <point x="-122.4810898" y="37.7984736"/>
            <point x="-122.4810898" y="37.7984736"/>
            <point x="-122.4820018" y="37.7986622"/>


You may find the detailed information about this format Google maps http://code.google.com/intl/ru/apis/kml/documentation/

<code class="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<?access-control allow="*"?>
<kml xmlns="http://earth.google.com/kml/2.1">
        <Style id="orWiki">
        <Style id="orWikiOn">
        <StyleMap id="orWikiChoose">
            <Placemark id="wm22139">
                <name>Golden Gate National Recreation Area: Land's End</name>
                <description>Golden Gate National Recreation Area: Land's End <br/> <a href="http://wikimapia.org/22139/#ge">View or update this place information at Wikimapia.</a></description>
                        <coordinates>-122.5077081,37.7867756,0 -122.494082,37.78681,0 -122.4945974,37.7880983,0 -122.496593,37.7874539,0 -122.4973226,37.7875896,0 -122.4997044,37.7887088,0 -122.5002408,37.7885053,0 -122.5024295,37.788234,0 -122.5035238,37.7880305,0 -122.5060344,37.7882001,0 -122.5071502,37.7875048,0 -122.5071502,37.7875048,0 -122.5077081,37.7867756,0</coordinates>
            <Placemark id="wm37781">
                <name>Baker Beach</name>
                <description>Baker Beach <br/>  <a href="http://wikimapia.org/37781/#ge">View or update this place information at Wikimapia.</a></description>
                        <coordinates>-122.4820018,37.7986622,0 -122.4839115,37.7941181,0 -122.4877954,37.7894889,0 -122.4870336,37.7893447,0 -122.4856389,37.7903452,0 -122.4852097,37.790235,0 -122.4847269,37.7896415,0 -122.4839437,37.7893956,0 -122.4842119,37.7877253,0 -122.4831498,37.7880983,0 -122.4822807,37.788853,0 -122.481916,37.7897517,0 -122.4804783,37.7939994,0 -122.4805534,37.7952287,0 -122.4798667,37.7957713,0 -122.4793732,37.7968395,0 -122.4792659,37.7974244,0 -122.4803495,37.7978822,0 -122.4810898,37.7984736,0 -122.4810898,37.7984736,0 -122.4820018,37.7986622,0</coordinates>


This is a special format designed for mobile devices (and needs some tests). There are three parts: header (may be zero length), data variable names, data itself.

Example of binary output:


In the DATA you will see rows of id,title,polygon. There are two bytes before each variable which present the length of variable (so 65536 is maximum length of variable data). REQUESTID it is your request ID passed in HTTP GET pequestid.

For example (id,title,polygon) in the data are:

Object id

\x00\x04\x00\x00\xF0\xED always will be for ID, it's integer unsigned

Object title

\x00\x07Library will be for the title "Library" - 7 bytes

Object polygon

If flag options=mercator is not set

\x00\x18\x0F\xEC\x0F\xEC\x0F\xEC\x0F\xEC\x0F\xEC\x0F\xEC\x0F\xEC\x0F\xEC\x0F\xEC\x0F\xEC\x0F\xEC\x0F\xEC will be for polygon with 3 points - explanation: \x00\x18 is length (24 bytes), then each 4 bytes present an signed integers of: lon1 * 10000000, lat1 * 10000000, lon2 * 10000000, lat2 * 10000000, lon3 * 10000000, lat3 * 10000000, ..., lonN * 10000000, latN * 10000000;

If flag options=mercator set

\x00\x18\x0F\xEC\x0F\xEC\x0F\xEC\x0F\xEC\x0F\xEC\x0F\xEC\x0F\xEC\x0F\xEC\x0F\xEC\x0F\xEC\x0F\xEC\x0F\xEC will be for polygon with 3 mercator points, explanation : \x00\x18 is length (24 bytes), then each 4 bytes present an unsigned integers of: x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ..., xN, yN;

Then directly goes another id,title,polygon,mercator without any delimiter. There also may be different variable names: id,title,mercator, id,title,polygon, etc.


\x00\x02\xF0\xED // first object

\x00\x02\x01\xEС // second object

// ...

For convenience, were placed line breaks and comments


Related error codes

Main article: API error codes

  • *1200 Invalid Box Coordinates*
  • *1201 Side of box is too small*
  • *1202 Area of box is too big*
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