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Viewing profile - Brighante

User avatar
In the beginning, i started using wikimapia website for fun and entertainment as it really makes us feel home while sitting 1000kms away from home.After using it for a year,i gained buckets of knowledge through wikimapia regarding geography,Human behaviour,Participation in a group of people,How to begin the discussion in a professional manner and patience.So finally,i reached the place where i cant stop myself from using wikimapia despite of the crisis and the strikes going on in wikimapia.Now,my idea about wiki has been changed from Fun giving website to Knowledge giving website. I always strive towards excellence.But i never get 100%25 out of it.

Contact Brighante

Wikimapia profile:

User statistics

17 years ago
Last visited:
6 months ago
Total posts:
(0.01% of all posts / 0.00 posts per day)
Most active forum:
User behaviour and vandalism
(23 Posts / 76.67% of user’s posts)
Most active topic:
[Archive] Deleted Place Requests
(8 Posts / 26.67% of user’s posts)