Dak To--Kon Hojao (map scans) (Khu trưng bày xe tăng) (Thị trấn Đắk Tô)

Vietnam / Thai Nguyen / Kon Tum / Thị trấn Đắk Tô
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Pre-75 Kon Hojao became post-75 Dak To. Or to put it another way, pre-75 Dak To was 4 kilometers north of contemporary Dak To.

The post-75 renaming of towns in this area has made history confusing to non-historians. Even some road numbers have been changed.

Above, the 2 scans on the left were made from a Dak To map sheet dated January 1971.
(Hiện là quảng trường trung tâm huyện (trưng bày 02 xe tăng)

Also above, the right-most scan was made from a 1984 Vietnamese map sheet. Note that Kon Hojao is spelled Kon ho giao.

For contemporary maps see Tap Ban Do, Giao Thong Duong Bo, Viet Nam. First printed in 2004, the atlas sold for US$10 in 2005. However, a new edition is in print.
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   14°39'38"N   107°50'17"E


  • Great job documenting all this!
  • Nhung di-tich-chien-tranh can duoc bao-ton,nhung di tich nay la tai san quy gia cho con chau mai-hau,khong phai dan-toc nao cung co duoc. Nhung di-tich-chien-tranh o Nhan-Ban,Y-Dai-Loi,Duc-Quoc,Nga-So...Da thu hut hang "chuc-trieu" du khach moi nam. Hien nay,nhung du-khach ngoai quoc den Viet Nam de muon tan mat nhin thay nhung di-tich chien-tranh VN,neu chung ta da pha huy nhung di tich ay ? That la dang tiec. -Chien tranh VN da di vao lich su,nhung di-tich chien tranh cung song hanh voi lich su do,du "toi" du "xau" cung co gia tri nhu nhau. -Neu chung ta chi de lai nhung di tich co loi cho "chinh-tri",con pha huy nhung gi khong co loi...Thi do khong han la thuong sach.
This article was last modified 10 years ago