The National Mall (Washington, D.C.)

The National Mall (not to be confused with The Mall of America) is an open-area national park in downtown Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States. It is the site of gardens and other greenery along with many Smithsonian museums, national monuments and memorials. The National Mall refers specifically to the land stretching from the grounds of the Washington Monument to the United States Capitol directly to the east. However, the term commonly includes the areas that are officially part of West Potomac Park and Constitution Gardens to the west, and often is taken to refer to the entire area between the Lincoln Memorial and the Capitol, with the Washington Monument providing a division slightly west of the center.

Peter (Pierre) Charles L'Enfant, in his 1791 plan for the city of Washington, D.C., proposed a 400 feet wide "grand avenue" in the area that the National Mall now occupies. However, the "grand avenue" was never constructed. During the 19th century, naturalistic gardens, federal buildings and industrial/commercial structures (including a large market and a railroad station) were developed on the site of the planned "grand avenue. In the beginning of the 20th century, the McMillan Commission plan, which the City Beautiful Movement and L'Enfant's plan had inspired, called for radical changes to the area, including the relocation of the railroad station to the present site of Union Station.

Today, the Mall is one of the most popular places in the city for tourism. As well, the mall is the site of many protests and demonstrations, including very large marches and rallies, such as the March on Washington in 1963, and the Million Man March in 1995. Annually on July 4th, the Capitol Fourth celebration takes place at the U.S. Capitol end of the mall, with a fireworks display.

The National Mall is accessible via Washington Metro, with the Smithsonian station located on the south side of the mall, near the Smithsonian Institution Building and between the Washington Monument and Capitol Hill. The Federal Triangle, Archives-Navy Memorial-Penn Quarter, and Union Station metro stations are also located near the mall, to the north. L'Enfant Plaza, Federal Center Southwest and Capitol South metro stations are located a few blocks south of the mall. The Metro bus and DC Circulator travel and stop around the National Mall.

Categories: public garden
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Coordinates:  38°53'11"N 77°2'3"W
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  • Its a beautiful place to walk. It's really tiring to stride the length of the Mall, but nonetheless its a great place to be.
This article was last modified 12 years ago