Hidimba Peak - Bankhandi Maharaj Ji Ka Ashram - A Great Peaceful & Ananddayak Place.

India / Uttaranchal / Bhowali /
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Bankhandi Maharaj Ji ko Koti Koti Naman. Maharaj ji a saint and environmetalist, you may find many wild animals near aroud.
Satya Raho Abhay Raho!
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Coordinates:   29°20'53"N   79°31'21"E


  • Article from Earth Report Sacred Earth "Hidden in the mountains about an hour's drive away is the remote and isolated Sattal lake. On the top of a mountain above the lake, one man has been waging a lone war against the deforestation. He is a Hindu holy man who lives the life of a hermit in a mountain ashram. "Swami Vankhandi, literally, Servant of the Forest, set up his ashram in 1978. Since then his sacred fire has burned continuously. The swami chose this hill because it is said to be the home of the forest Goddess. The top of the hill is in a special botanical area called an ecotone zone, where plants normally found only in different climatic regions can thrive together, like these figs and this prickly pear." Continued from: Swami Vankhandi, literally, Servant of the Forest, set up his ashram in 1978 "Tigers and leopards and deer come through the ashram. The animals know that this is an ashram and so they feel secure here." Comm: "The Swami wants to turn the ashram into an educational and research centre to investigate the medicinal properties of plants. He has drawn up a three-year plan development plan, but he needs thirty thousand pounds to implement it. ARC has promised half of the money but only if the Swami can raise the rest - and he says he cannot do that." Swami Vankhandi: "I have no interest in moneymaking. But if any organisation is interested in coming here for scientific work then let them come and spend their money. But it is for others to approach me. That is not my job. I am only interested in prayer and prayer alone. When I pray here in isolation it sends vibrations into the environment that are caught by people all over the world. In 1970 I prayed for a year for the protection of the tiger and the result was there was a political movement to protect the tiger. I do not need the media." Comm: "For Swami Vankhandi, conservation is not about joining movements, but is best served by living in harmony with nature."
  • plz join my community vankhandi maharaj ji .i read ur thought & very good knowledge about maharajji if u have any datas and picture of maharajji plz send my mail id :- sunny_upadhyay2006yahoo.co.in
  • वनखंडी महाराज का 'भारत माता उद्यान' - महेश पाण्डे अपने लगाए जंगल में वनखंडी महाराज नैनीताल से पच्चीस किलोमीटर दूर सातताल की ऊँची पहाड़ी में, जिसे हिडिंबा पर्वत कहते हैं, एक साधुवेशधारी वनखंडी महाराज ने 200 प्रजाति के चौड़ी पत्ती वाले वृक्षों का एक ऐसा अद्भुत जंगल तैयार कर दिया कि वन विभाग भी उनका मुरीद बन गया। वनखंडी महाराज ने 14 हैक्टेयर क्षेत्र में फैले इस जंगल में मैदान से लेकर पहाड़ी क्षेत्र तक को पौधों से भर दिया है। इसको देखकर वन विभाग ने इस क्षेत्र में चौदह हैक्टेयर का आरक्षित वन 'भारत माता उद्यान' के नाम से संरक्षित करने का इरादा कर लिया है जिसके तहत इस पूरे क्षेत्र को वन विभाग ने दीवारबंदी से भी घेर रखा है। 1984-85 में वन विभाग ने इस क्षेत्र के पाँच हैक्टेयर क्षेत्र में बाबा के काम का असर देखते हुए इस क्षेत्र को वनखंडी आश्रम को लीज पर देने का प्रस्ताव भी किया जो कि आज तक यथार्थ रूप तो नहीं ले सका लेकिन चौदह हैक्टेयर में 'भारत माता उद्यान' की घोषणा वन विभाग ने जरूर कर दी। 1978 में 14 दिसंबर को जब वनखंडी महाराज यहाँ आए थे तो उन्होंने यहाँ चीड़ का फैलता जंगल देखा। स्थानीय प्रजाति की चौड़ी पत्ती वाले पेड़ यहाँ थे ही नहीं। उन्होंने अपनी पूरी साधना इसी ओर मोड़ दी। प्रभु भजन के अलावा वन संवर्द्धन उनका मकसद बन गया। वनखंडी महाराज के अनुसार पशु-पक्षी एवं जंगली जानवर ऋषि-मुनियों के आश्रमों की शोभा रहे हैं। यहाँ के जंगल में तो मेरे आने के वक्त कुछ था ही नहीं। मैंने जंगल लगाना शुरू किया तो अब यहाँ पशु-पक्षी भी आने लगे हैं। पूरे दिन भर अब लोग भी मुझे मिलने आते हैं। जंगल को देखने के लिए भी दूर-दूर से लोगों का आना जारी है। नवरात्रियों में यहाँ पूजा की जाती है तो भंडारे में स्थानीय लोग खूब आते हैं। यह वनदुर्गा का एक मंदिर बन गया है। शिवरात्रि पर भी पूजन को लोग चले आते हैं। दत्तात्रेय जयंती भी यहाँ मनाई जाती है जो एक हफ्ते तक चलती है। इस जंगल में काम का संज्ञान राष्ट्रपति रहते हुए ज्ञानी जैलसिंह ने भी लिया था लेकिन अब सत्ताधारी कम ही यहाँ आते हैं। यहाँ वनस्पतियों की मिश्रित प्रजातियों से पानी के चश्मे भी पैदा हो गए। पशु-पक्षी आने शुरू हुए तो फलदार वृक्ष एवं औषधीय वृक्ष रुद्राक्ष वृक्ष आदि के उगाए जाने से उनका उत्साह बढ़ा तो उन्होंने इसे ही जीवन का ध्येय समझ अपनी साधना को इसी तरफ मोड़ इसी में प्रभु को देखना शुरू किया। यहाँ आने वालों को जंगल के लाभ दिखाना और उनको इसके लिए प्रशिक्षित करना उनका मकसद बन गया। गाँव वालों द्वारा हरण, आँवला, जामुन, बांज एवं धौल जैसी वृक्ष प्रजातियों की लापिंग कर चारापत्ती के लिए वनों को उजाड़ना सबसे बड़ी बाधा बन गई। इसकी सुरक्षा के इंतजाम करने में सहयोग ग्रामीणों का है तो सही लेकिन सबके जागरूक न होने से कुछ लोग जंगल को नुकसान पहुँचा देते हैं वह भी ऐसे वृक्षों को जो दुर्लभ प्रजाति के हैं। मात्र चारापत्ती एवं जानवरों को पालने के लिए यह एक साधन न बने इसको समझाना एक जटिल समस्या है। भारत माता वन के नाम से 40 हैक्टेयर में वन विभाग द्वारा परिसीमन करने के बाद इस पूरे क्षेत्र में भारत माता के नाम से वन लगने लगा है यह संप्रदाय विशेष का न होकर सारे भारतवासियों का मंदिर बन जाएगा। गर्म जगह से लेकर ठंडे प्रदेश तक की वनस्पति यहाँ उगने से यह आयुर्वेद की भी प्रयोगशाला बन सकता है। प्रदेश के पूर्व वनमंत्री बंशीधर भगत ने इस वन संरक्षण को अद्भुत बताया। उनका कहना था कि जहाँ सरकारी विभाग करोड़ों रुपए के प्लान बनाकर यह करिश्मा नहीं कर सके, वहीं बाबाजी की साधना ने वह कर दिखाया जो कि पूरे समाज की प्रेरणा बन गया। जब यह वन तैयार होने लगा और कई प्रकार के पक्षियों का कलरव सुनाई देने लगा तो बाबा को लगा कि उनकी वनदुर्गा प्रसन्न होने लगी है। इसी क्षण को वे अहम मानने लगे। वनदुर्गा को प्रसन्न जान वे इस काम में रात-दिन अब भी जुटे हैं।
  • I am a regular visitor of this ashram since my childhood I use to go to Hidimba Ashram for peace and relax Pujya Bankhandi Maharaj always guide every visitor like his own child that is the main spaciality of this place.Firstly I have visited Ashram in the year 1980.My self GIRISH BAHUGUNA NATIVE OF SHYAMKHET BHOWALI.
  • Swami Finds His Mission on a Mountain Environment: Through example, 80-year-old Hindu hermit shares his knowledge about ancient systems of medicine and nature worship. February 14, 1999|NEELESH MISRA | ASSOCIATED PRESS HIDIMBA MOUNTAIN, India — The Hindu hermit stood on his mountaintop, watching a violent hailstorm topple thick-trunked trees and send them crashing down the lower Himalayan slopes. When followers of the 80-year-old Swami Vankhandi climbed up after the storm, they found that all the trees in his 15-acre environmental retreat were among the mountain's plant life that escaped damage. They immediately proclaimed it a miracle. But unlike many other Indian hermits, Swami Vankhandi, whose name means "sage of the forest," does not claim to be a miracle worker. Rather than cloak his work in mysticism, he shares what he knows about ancient systems of medicine and nature worship and tries to teach by example that environmental protection can succeed with patience and hard work, as well as faith. "People here did not care for the trees and their environment. Now they are facing the wrath of the gods," he said after the storm that battered the 5,000-foot-tall Hidimba Mountain. The Indian government estimated in 1997 that the country had a net loss of about 2,400 square miles of dense forest between 1995 and 1996. Swami Vankhandi found only pines and two dry springs when he arrived four decades ago at his mountain in the Kumaon, the Himalayan outback that draws millions of tourists every year. He squatted on government-owned land on the mountaintop. In his retreat and elsewhere on the mountain, he has planted more than 3,000 trees and hundreds of medicinal plants. He has posted small signs identifying wild, edible tree and shrub species, orchids, ferns, flowering plants and healing herbs along the slopes. The swami, or master, also banned logging, foraging for wood or fodder, and hunting in his retreat. Similar government rules had been ignored for decades, but the swami's orders, although resented, were followed by most local people who respected his religious position. A Solitary Life on the Mountain But he has enemies. Wood poachers have tried to shoot or poison him on several occasions, said Sanjay Rattan, an environmental activist who once worked with the World Wildlife Fund and now occasionally represents the Hindi-speaking swami at international environmental conferences. "The people are not happy with me, but the trees and birds are," the swami said. Saffron-robed swamis are common in India. They take vows of celibacy and dedicate themselves to lives of religious learning, roaming cities, sleeping in temples and living mostly on offerings. Vankhandi grew up in a village in the nearby hill resort of Almora, where he began his religious training. He later lived alone for 11 years in a cave close to India's mountainous border with Tibet. When he emerged, it was to do his part for the preservation of rare plant varieties, animals and birds--his lifelong passion. The swami lives alone in a mud-thatched hut that is reached by a rugged climb. He sustains himself on offerings from local people, and devotees say he never asks for favors. Some people call him "the environment saint." Scientists from the U.S. Agency for International Development, the World Wildlife Fund and leading Indian botanical laboratories have taken note of the swami's work. But no one has provided money to help finance his efforts, he said. In 1995, he left the forest for the first time in decades to travel to Japan for an international conference on faith and the environment, organized by the Alliance on Religion and Conservation, headed by Britain's Prince Philip. Two years later, officials of the international group traveled to the swami's mountain to discuss a conservation project. But he rejected it because all spending and decision-making powers would have been with the group. If, for instance, the swami wanted to build a tank to store water for the dry summer months, he would have had to get an OK from faraway officials. "I can only serve the forest," he said
  • Friday, July 10, 2009 29. Vankhandi Maharaj. 29. Vankhandi Maharaj. Himalayan hermit Vankhandi said to me: "When the sadhu was in the mountains, it just goes up. He has no food or warm clothing. He should be ready for death." Vankhandi Maharaj spent 30 years in a cave on the lake Nanda Kunda near the peak of Nanda Devi, where he worshiped the divine Mother. Pindari Glacier County has traditionally been considered a place inhabited by Shakti, Shiva prefers a more severe borough - the source of the Ganges Gomukh. This is also reflected in yogah who live in these places. The followers of Shiva more closed, and often do not talk to people. Fans Shakti softer; Vankhandi perfect parent transmits exactly vibration. This is a very kind and friendly people. Once Vankhandi lost in the mountains and walking on the scent in the snow leopard, found a cave. In this cave of rubble with snow, and he was forced to hold it for three months. When the sadhu, finally came out, he saw in front of the cave in the snow convolutions. It was something wrapped in tissue texture and unusual pattern. Yogi said that this material could not make a human hand - it was very strange to the touch, and the pattern, covered it, was also unearthly beauty. Deployment package, Vankhandi found within about a kilogram of food. As it was for food - he did not know the taste was not like anything. Filled, yogi demitted unusual piece of fabric and put it in his bag. The same evening, he found that the fabric of the bag disappeared. Pindari Glacier in the state Uttarpradesh - the habitat of deities. There could not go in the red dress, the color of clothing the goddess, which Vankhandi once saw on the walk from the suite. Go to these places can be only one or a group consisting of an odd number of people. These are the tastes of Shakti. In response to my question whether he met with Babaji, Yogananda described, Vankhandi said that such yoginov in the Himalayas, many, some of them can fly. Babaji simply became known through the book of Yogananda. Age of some yogis thousands of years. Once Vankhandi asked one of the Patriarchs, which allows live so long. "We have nothing to do so. Life just does not leave the body" - was the answer. Master told that in ancient times the territory of modern India, China and Russia has been a yoga and subsequently split into different exercises. These ancient teachings in Russia was almost completely destroyed in India and China it is still alive. Vankhandi said that everywhere in the world where there are mountains of snow, live Rishis - the great visionaries, but they do not know about it. Now ascetic living on top of the hill forest height one and a half kilometers above the lake Sattal. On the hill is the temple of the goddess in her three hypostasis - Kali (destruction), Lakshmi (prosperity) and Saraswati (wisdom). There is also room for guests, a kitchen with a small kosterkom - a kind of tiny ashram. On the hill there is no source of water for which you want to go down a kilometer downstream. When Vankhandi came to the hill and forty years ago, there was only forest. Now, on the hill has a telephone and electricity, but water hermit refused to hold that it was less people. All come, he feeds potatoes seasoned with Indian spices, so the locals call it Alu Baba and potato beetle. Sometimes people hear how Vankhandi talking to the goddess, and how that meets him. Hermit told me that for many years, he asked the goddess to allow him to return to the highlands, but it does not - want her devout remained close to the people. Not far from the hill is an old English Naynital mountain resort, located on the lake, having the shape of the eye. According to legend, this eye goddess Sati fell, when her body was to cut the Lord Vishnu to 52 parts. Many years ago, when India was still under British authority, Vankhandi first came to Naynital. He did not know anyone in these places and accidentally zabrel an English cemetery. It was dark, it rained, but the yogi could not find a way out. Finally, he decided to come to terms with destiny, and lay down on the grave stone slab in the crypt. Suddenly, the air appeared radiant light. Hermit stood up and went after him. Ogonek led to his exit from the cemetery. At the gate stood a person dressed in white, according to Vankhandi similar to Jesus Christ. Stranger silently gave drenched hermit smoke. Vankhandi while smoking. Then he found the way to the city and overnight. Pupil Vankhandi Siddhartha told me that one evening in the twilight on the hill appeared Staiki girls who are dancing around the house. Around the temple the forest, and quite possible that the Indian girls to come here at night. Twilight - this time the leopard and the locals prefer to stay home. After the dance the girl disappeared as suddenly as it appeared. Sometimes when Vankhandi begins to talk about his Himalayan adventures and encounters, he catches the throat, and he could not continue. "The goddess does not allow to say" - he explains. Once the conversation has gone on the release and transfer this knowledge to others. "When dostignesh release - said hermit - not necessarily that, after this you want to teach others." I asked Vankhandi, where he is. Instead, he silently showed a hand to the sky.
  • Very peace full place.
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This article was last modified 16 years ago