Univesiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK) Temporary Campus (Pekan Pengkalan Chepa)

Malaysia / Kelantan / Kota Bahru / Pekan Pengkalan Chepa
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Coordinates:   6°9'52"N   102°16'57"E


  • It is a temporary campus for Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. The first batch of 400 students reported on July 2007.
  • There are only 297 students enrolled in 2007/2008 academic year. Though small in number, it is a very good start. Looking for bigger enrollment next year.
  • Pengambilan pelajar tahun 2008/09 adalah seramai 400 orang. Meraka datang dari seluruh Malaysia.
  • New residential college completed just in time of 2008/2009 new student intake. The 1st phase can accomodate 1000 students. The 2nd phase will cater for another 1000 student.
  • this is my workplace for now...
  • Pembinaan kerja-kerja infrastruktur di Kampus Tangok sudah hampir-hampir siap. Kerja-kerja pembinaan bangunan sedang dijalankan dan dijangka siap pada pertengahan 2011. Diharap pelajar sessi 2011/2012 akan berpeluang menggunakan Kampus baru di Tanggok kelak.
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This article was last modified 11 years ago