Hoeryong concentration camp (closed) (Hoeryŏng)

Korea (North) / Hamgyongbukto / Hoeryong / Hoeryŏng
 military, prison, concentration camp, historical layer / disappeared object

The camp was closed in 2012. "The Korean People's Guard Unit No. 2209" or "State Security Agency Pailsan District Unit," there were an estimated 20,000-50,000 prisoners held in concentration Camp 22.
See for (Korean) description: nk.chosun.com/news/news.html?ACT=detail&res_id=26746
and english.chosun.com/w21data/html/news/200212/20021205003...
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   42°33'15"N   129°54'32"E


  • How can we help these people?
  • OK,OK;AND.....GUANTÁNAMO???.....EH???
  • @Socialista: if you like it so much, why don't you go over there and enjoy the place?
  • Camp 22 Disbanded on Defection Fear... http://www.dailynk.com/english/read.php?cataId=nk01500&num=9865
  • Camino socialista de Lima! Vivir en un país socialista real - la mejor vacuna contra el socialismo. Un residente de Ucrania, las antiguas repúblicas socialistas de la URSS.
  • Forza North Korea! Kill all f.ck yankees
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