Metzgerturm (Ulm)

Germany / Bayern / Neu-Ulm / Ulm
 Turm, Stadtmauer, Historisches Gebäude

Der Metzgerturm wurde 1349 als Teil der Ulmer Stadtbefestigung erbaut. Der "Schiefe Turm von Ulm" hat eine Höhe von etwa 36 Metern und neigt sich 2,05 Meter nach Nordwesten.
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Koordinaten:   48°23'45"N   9°59'36"E


  • • Butchers Tower (Metzgerturm) In 1349 the “Metzgerturm” was integrated into Ulm´s fortifications. The 'leaning tower of Ulm” is 36 meters high and leans 2.05 meters in a north-westerly direction. According to an anecdote, the tower got its name from some butchers in Ulm, who used sawdust in their sausages. When the customers found this out, they locked them in the tower. When the angry Mayor entered the tower to deliver his verdict, the corpulent butchers cowered in one corner of the tower, causing it to lean over. In actual fact, the tower is leaning because it is built on ground that was originally a swamp.
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